GOD’S TIMETABLE - Part II Text: Matthew 26:17-29
This Morning I Am Going to Walk Through the Final Half of the Week That Preceded the Crucifixion of Our Lord.
V. Thursday – The Last Supper/Gethsemane/ Arrest (Matthew 26:17-29, 47-27:26)
The preparation for this meal included. 1. A Bowl of Salt Water -. 2 The preparation for this meal included . . . 1. A Bowl of Salt Water - 2. A Collection of Bitter Herbs - 3. There Was a Paste Called Charosheth - 4. The 4 Cups of Wine - these were to remind them of the four promises contained in Exodus 6:6,7 i. I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians ii. I will deliver you from their bondage iii. I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment iv. I will take you for my people, and I will be your God
V. Thursday – The Last Supper/Gethsemane/ Arrest (Matthew 26:17-29, 47-27:26) (Contd.)
VI. Friday – Crucifixion/Death/ Burial (Matthew 27:27-61)
VII. Saturday – He Remains in the Tomb; Guards Set in Place (Matthew 27:62-66)
VIII. Sunday – The Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10) Mark 16:1; Matthew 28:6