Textbook Adoption Bids August 2017 Chauncey Spears Director Office of Textbooks
State Board of Education Goals FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016-2020 All Students Proficient and Showing Growth in All Assessed Areas Every Student Graduates from High School and is Ready for College and Career Every Child Has Access to a High-Quality Early Childhood Program Every School Has Effective Teachers and Leaders Every Community Effectively Uses a World-Class Data System to Improve Student Outcomes Every School and District is Rated “C” or Higher
Textbook Bids Publishers must list the textbooks/instructional materials they are offering for adoption in response to the “Call For Bids” for the Annual Textbook Adoption for the State of Mississippi . Pages 5-6 of the Call For Bids outlines the guidelines for the submission of a bid. The bids must be submitted in three (3) parts that comprise the Official Bid Packet. The Official Bid Packet can be found online as an Excel File that is sometimes referred to as the “Electronic Bid Packet”.
Electronic Bid Packet
Intent to Bid Form (Attachment A) Indicates the publishers that will be submitting bids. It also outlines contact information for the publishers that will be submitting bids. Deadline for submission is September 8, 2017.
Part I- The Bid Cover Sheet (Attachment B) “Form B” in the Electronic Bid Packet The publisher shall complete the Textbook Bid Submission Cover Sheet and attach to the textbook bid.
Part I- The Bid Cover Sheet (Attachment B) PUBLISHER: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX NUMBER: SUBJECT AREA: GRADE LEVEL: INSTRUCTIONAL CATEGORY: Pursuant to the bid notice of the Mississippi State Board of Education and in accordance with provisions of Mississippi textbook laws regulating the selection, adoption, purchase, and distribution of textbooks for the elementary and high schools of Mississippi, and in accordance with the resolution and orders of the Board, the above listed publisher submits this bid for furnishing textbooks listed on the following pages. SIGNATURE: TITLE: PRINT NAME: DATE: ________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Textbook bid package shall include: (1) Two cds containing completed Excel workbook file, (2) Three printed copy of all worksheets contained in the Excel workbook, and (3) Bid cover letter with signature and date. Package is due in the Textbook Office by 5:00 p.m. CST on September 8, 2017. Teacher and Pupil Edition textbooks, series, and products must be typed in all CAPS, using bold print and size 10 Times New Roman font. Ancillary materials must be typed unbold, using size 9 Times New Roman font. Attachment B
2017-2018 Textbook Adoption Instructional Categories Science Arts Grades K-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 (Includes AP and all electives except Dual Credit courses) Dance and theater K-12 Music (General, Choral and Instrumental) Grades K-12 Visual Arts Grades K-12 Pre-K materials will be bid in a later adoption.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) “Form C” in the Electronic Bid Packet Bid Form must list the title of the pupil edition and teacher edition in CAPITAL LETTERS, TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT, SIZE 10, AND BOLD PRINT Ancillary materials must be listed in regular case, Times New Roman font, size 9, unbold and printed under the product.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C)
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Page 5 of the Call for bids notes: Publishers may only bid one textbook/program in each category. If a book/program covers multiple grade levels within a category, please bid that textbook/program once. If the textbook/program is grade level specific within a category, publishers can submit the textbook/program for bid in each grade level per category and the textbook/program will be considered as “one textbook/program” for review purposes.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) For the High School (Grades 9-12) Elective Courses, publishers can submit 1 title/program per course. AP courses are considered separate from general courses (“AP Physics” is a separate course than “Physics”). For the categories K-5 and 6-8, if a program covers multiple grade levels within the category, publishers can submit the entire series, but it will be considered 1 title for review purposes. Review committees will review one grade level per publisher per category in the K-5 and 6-8 categories.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Note: Do not submit multiple formats of the same title as separate titles on this form. Multiple formats include various online subscription licenses, textbook series formats and or print/digital combinations, or web based instructional programs that have the same course content, ancillary materials, teacher resources, or presentation media. Those formats should be submitted as pricing options for a single title.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C)
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Acceptable titles (student and teacher editions) Unnecessary titles (Online editions of the same title)
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Ancillary Materials-Supplementary resources that are different in content from the primary titles (student and teacher editions) that are bid. Examples are: resource guides, scaffolding/differentiation resources, assessment products, classroom manipulatives, reading/vocabulary/writing supports. Only these items should be listed on the bid form under the title being bid.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Pricing Options- Different formats, combinations, web versions, consumable versions, digital/web based licenses of the same content in the title being bid. Note: If a consumable version is the only version being bid, it can be listed as the title being bid by a company for that category. Indicate that the title is consumable. These materials should be listed as pricing options on a separate document to be submitted to the School Book Supply Company of Mississippi should that title be adopted. Note: If a consumable version is the only version being bid , than it can be listed as the title being bid by a company for that category.
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Unacceptable as Ancillary materials –Same content as main program/title, just presented in a different format. Acceptable to list as Ancillary Materials – Supplemental resources to the main program content/program
Part II- Textbook Bid Form (Attachment C) Do not list multiple formats of Ancillary materials on the bid form. Rule of Thumb-keep the bid form listing as succinct as possible. Only one title per instructional category per publisher will be reviewed in the Science K-5 and 6-8 categories.
Part III-Statement of Free Materials (Attachment D) Publishers/vendors that wish to make free materials (e.g., correlation, ancillary materials, supplementary materials) available to school districts must list them on this form. The conditions under which these materials will be available to the schools must be clearly stated. Publishers/vendors will not be permitted to give away or promise free material not certified on the BID FORM.
Part III-Statement of Free Materials (Attachment D) STATEMENT OF FREE MATERIALS FORM
Part III-Statement of Free Materials (Attachment D) NOTE: PUBLISHERS/VENDORS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ALL LISTED FREE MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS INCLUDED ON THE STATEMENT OF FREE MATERIALS FORM Publishers/vendors who bid free material to be given per student textbook every year for the life of the contract should remember that some schools have 4x4 block schedules. In this case, the free material must be given to the school each time they teach the course.
Important Dates Deadline to submit Bid Packets - September 15, 2017. Deadline for Examination Copies* – September 22, 2017. *Note: Includes the 9 examination copies for the review committees and the 14 sample copies for display at university libraries to be sent o the School Book Supply Company of Mississippi. Please refer to page 7 of the Call for Bids document for details.
Chauncey Spears Lakisha Kendrick Director-Textbook Procurement Assistant-Textbook Procurement crspears@mdek12.org lkendrick@mdek12.org