WP 42 – Formal qualifications Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Hemmje Forschungsinstitut für Telekommunikation und Kooperation APARSEN Final Review Meeting Luxemburg, 4-5 March 2015
Y4 Objectives Promote the quality of research in Digital Preservation, propagate the regard and the application of Digital Preservation in practice Engagements with stakeholders community-specific supply and demand have been investigated and documented Informing the design of the curriculum framework Design of formal qualifications, educational programs for continuous professional education, DP curricula for higher education in selected disciplines Definition of curricula/courses (D42.1) Production of initial content (driven by WP43 and corresponding RTD WPs) Design of formal qualification and training offers Exemplary embedding of APARSEN topic areas in selected disciplines Stakeholders from within (DPC, nestor MOU) and beyond the library and information science community (EGI, regional stakeholders, and others)
Y4 Objectives Admissible resources are references to ongoing/recurring offerings in higher education but also relevant learning/teaching material available electronically Structured descriptions of opportunities (D42.1) have been made available through the OTP Allows students/professionals to spot qualification and training opportunities meeting their competence profile and subject field Continuously updated bases on input/feedback from the communities Supplies teachers and trainers with material suitable for creating courses on digital long-term preservation Enable students and professionals to study single topics by self-directed learning Because of eventual intellectual property right (IPR) issues, external resources available electronically per se were deemed as ineligible for dissemination through the APA VCoE.
Y4 Objectives Outcome will guide APARSEN in the subsequent design of formal qualifications, introducing and complementing formal qualifications in DP in a targeted way To establish a dialogue with relevant stakeholders about the inclusion of Digital Preservation theory and practice in relevant higher education curricula To define curricula and a portfolio of courses and e-learning material Interim versions of the curriculum framework and its building blocks have been discussed and iteratively been refined The involvement of research institutions outside of the APARSEN consortium WP42 is actively involved in the RDA Interest Group on Education and Training on handling of research data
Main achievements in Y4 1.) Assessment of the demand side through intensive community consultations 2.) Provision of APARSEN Curriculum Framework and course/module definitions 3.) Setup and population of Online Training Platform, including qualification opportunities register
Assessment of the demand side Target sectors: academic communities, scientific communities, industrial communities, regional preservation institutions and organisations Intensive community consultations to Ascertain the needs of selected communities Rise awareness of Digital Preservation concerns in relevant stakeholder communities Contributing and influence the curriculum design Setting up better training services for relevant communities Support the APA VCoE sustainability planning
Community consultation events Academia Events November 29, 2013, Stakeholder meeting, DPC Planning Day October 13, 2014, Stakeholder meeting with nestor Qualification Scientific Events March 4-6, 2014, APARSEN-EGI Community Workshop on Managing, Computing and Preserving Big Data for Research May 19-23, 2014, EGI Community Forum Events with regional Stakeholders May 5, 2013 and June 18, 2013, Stakeholder meetings with the Ministry of Culture of North Rhine-Westphalia May 8, 2013, Stakeholder workshop with the State archive of North Rhine-Westphalia May 29, 2013, Stakeholder workshop with the University of Cologne, Department of Computer Science for the Humanities June 11, 2013, Stakeholder meeting with the project leader of the project "Digital Archive of North Rhine-Westphalia” (d-NRW GmbH) October 8, 2013, Stakeholder workshop with the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz) January 21, 2014, Stakeholder workshop with Chambers of Commerce and Industry November 14, 2013, Round Table “Prospects for education and training in the field of digital preservation”, Hagen Activities for small and medium-sized enterprises March 18, 2014, Digital Preservation event for SMEs in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, Essen July 7, 2014, Digital Preservation event for SMEs in cooperation with the eBusiness Lotse Ruhr
Community consultation events Activities for small and medium-sized enterprises March 18, 2014, Digital Preservation event for SMEs in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, Essen July 7, 2014, Digital Preservation event for SMEs in cooperation with the eBusiness Lotse Ruhr and the Chamber of Commerce, Duisburg Industrial Design and Engineering events EGI towards Horizon 2020 Workshop Preserving Computer Aided Design (CAD) imaGine FoF2020 - Factories of the Future towards Horizon 2020 Willkommen im Datenrausch Produkte vernetzen – mit Big Data und der Cloud neue Schätze heben 4. PLM Future Conference MITIP 2012 - 14th International Conference on Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of Industrial Enterprises ProSTEP iViP Symposium 2012: Managing Globalization - Processes and Systems Industrie 4.0 - Zukunft der Wirtschaft International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2014) AUTONOMIK Innovation Days - Wegbereiter für Industrie 4.0 World Manufacturing Forum 201
APARSEN Curriculum Framework Blueprint for a distinct Digital Preservation curriculum in Higher Education Supposed to be customized/ instantiated according to community-specific educational interests and learning objectives (academic or professionally oriented) Reflects APARSEN Common Vision and provides value-added, harmonized contents through constituent building blocks Production of course definitions and module outlines in collaboration with WP43 (Training courses) Broader perspective: Interdisciplinarity a fundamental prerequisite for addressing new occupational profiles Integration/embedding of core Digital Preservation topics in other domains/programmes, also addressing strategic/management level issues CigiCurve
Blueprint APARSEN Curriculum Framework Following the Qualifications Framework for Higher Education defined by the Bologna Process Prerequisites – Bachelor degree Information Science, Computer Science, or comparable Qualification – Master's degree (MSc) Target Audience – Students interested in applied data, information and knowledge management in the e-Science context Modality – Classroom-based, e-learning (virtual classroom), blended 120ECTS are required for completion, assuming 30ECTS per semester (60ECTS/ year). Final semester devoted to thesis. Duration – 2 years full-time, part-time pathways expected to take 4 years The APARSEN Curriculum addresses the core issues for science data preservation, embedded within the overall (science) data lifecycle/value chain. Learning Objectives – Core DP issues (APARSEN Common Vision), strategic planning of information management/architectures for e-Science, risks/threats
APA Coe Training Offer
Direction The APA Centre of Excellence (CoE) in digital preservation provides (customized) training related to digital preservation know-how addressing memory institutions communities related to audit and certification processes various scientific communities various industrial communities substantiated by members and partners Training event formats Face-to-face courses Workshops Clinics Summer schools Training can be customized to meet participants learning objectives.
Building the training offer APARSEN Project Results CoE Training Offer Training events Online courses APA partner offers Other learning material Training and qualification opportunities Communities Digital Preservation Partners APARSEN Training Materials Production (WP43), APARSEN Webinars (WP41, WP45), APARSEN Formal Qualifications (WP42), APARSEN Training Events (WP43), APARSEN Online Course Production (WP43), APARSEN Register of Digital Preservation Curricula and Courses on Digital Preservation (WP42), SCIDIP-ES, Community Collaborations
Building the training offer from APARSEN project results Content review of project results in view of integrated vision Coverage of project topics Needs analysis from survey and market research Production of training material from project results Publication of project materials suitable for training ✔ Training events Online courses APA partner offers Other learning material Training and qualification opportunities list APARSEN Project Results ✔ ✔
Building the training offer with Communities Meet requirements of other communities for training in Digital Preservation Organisation of workshops Ongoing validation with community/stakeholders Regional stakeholders International stakeholders Production of domain-specific content with contribution from/in collaboration Collaboration - atmospheric and geo-space research, cultural heritage, space research, earth observation, science infrastructures, digital preservation, agricultural research, earth sciences, data science, science data infrastructures, e-science environments Training events Online courses APA partner offers Other learning material Training and qualification opportunities list Communities ✔ ✔
Building the training offer with Digital Preservation partners Meeting training needs of preservation practitioners Training offers disseminated with established service providers ✔ Training events Online courses APA partner offers Other learning material Training and qualification opportunities list Partners ✔ ✔
Online Training Portal (OTP)
Online Training Portal (OTP) Sustainable Web distribution and provision channel for qualification and training offer of APA CoE Dedicated to be of help to anyone interested in gaining initial skills or improving his competence in Digital Preservation, with community-specific support Public launch at APA Conference September 22, Brussels http://learning.alliancepermanentaccess.org
OTP - Services Register of Digital Preservation Qualification and Training Opportunities Repository of Training Material in Digital Preservation Learning with Online Courses in Digital Preservation
OTP taxonomy (I) Role in Digital Preservation Format Data creator Data holder Service provider Research institution Network or multiplier organisation Qualification or training Accreditation or certification body Policy maker or funder Standardisation body Preservation practitioner Format Online course Presentation Presentation recording Slides Publication Report Office report Abstract Poster Syllabus Qualification and Training Offer
OTP taxonomy (II) Integrated view APARSEN Topic Value Business case Business model Preservation Usability APARSEN Topic Access Security; Finding aids, metadata; IPR, access rights; Policies and governance; Persistent identifiers Usability Infrastructure; Preservation planning; Common tools; Intelligibility; Interoperability; Context semantics; File formats Trust Appraisal, selection criteria; Audit and certification; Data quality; Provenance; Authenticity Sustainability Risk management, threats; Processes; Transfer of custody; Storage solutions; Cost/ benefit analysis; Business cases; Brokerage services
OTP taxonomy (III) Institution type Language Non-profit organisation Association University Competence Centre Competence Network Public Institution Advisory Body Project Initiative Other Language Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish
OTP taxonomy (IV) Communities Target audience Higher Education Public Sector Research Institutes Business Companies Audiovisual Archives E-Health Libraries Archives and Cultural Institutions Government Engineering Target audience Top-level managers Operational managers Operational staff IT professionals High-school Graduates/ Undergraduates (before BA) Graduates (after BA, before MA) Students and Postgraduates Practitioners
OTP taxonomy (V) Training classification Training format Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Curricula Higher Education (HE) Training format Course Workshop Online Course Master Programme Degree Course Blended Learning On-site/ Distance Accompanying Seminar Lecture Seminar Exercise …
Qualification and Training Opportunities
APA CoE – OTP design Training Material
APA CoE – OTP design
Online Courses
Online Course – Certificate of achievement
OTP – What you can expect At launch 09/2014 At review 03/2015 77 77 Qualification and Training Opportunities curricula, academic courses, continuing professional education courses + contributions 75 131 Training Material presentation recordings, presentation slide sets + contributions 2 (6h) 7 (27h) Online Courses online courses, modules + 7 (non-online) training events + contributions
Infrastructure and Production
OTP – Versatility Integrated Platform Content Management System (CMS) Learning Management System (LMS) Content types Qualification and training opportunity record Presentation recording, Presentation slides, Posters, Documentary, Publication, Full paper publication, Abstract publication, Online course
Mini courses conception Goals Creation of a broad training offer Low course production costs Fast production Assured quality of content and presentation Approach Small course following a standard structure Usage of content from the repository Addition of data for usage as training content Course authoring support by tools and templates Standardized production processes
Mini course standard structure Summary - allowing for finding and assessing the course Introduction Pre‐test - assessing the student's existing knowledge Presentation(s) - the core content Exam - exam validating the student's learning progress (Forum) - discussion with tutor and/or peer students Evaluation - student feedback on the course Certificate - certificate of participation issued by APA
Formats, procedures, standards Content types Presentation recordings, presentation slides, documents, qualification and training opportunities, mini courses Requirements for material submission Data formats Forms and agreements Standard procedures Indexing
Mini course production process Agreement Plan content Recruit authors Target audiences Training goals Indexing Self-test questionnaire Exam questionnaire Conference contributions Workshop contributions Grey literature Produce contents Gather additional data for usage as training content Recording Author course Assure quality (Seek course accreditation) Templates Definition of procedures as well as technical and organisational requirements for learning and training material bound to be imported into the APARSEN Online Training Portal (OTP) … Publish course Advertise course (Supervise students) Terminate course offer
OTP technology features Content management Unified repository of documents, Multimedia and Courses Editorial content Blog, Case-of-the-month, Event calendar, News Content dissemination Download and streaming, Content distribution network Taxonomy Domain-specific, Multi-dimensional Full-text search, browse, filter Community Rating, Sharing, Commenting, Tagging, Tell-a-Friend Content access control Licence-based, Shop, Voucher, Role-based Personalization Fields of interest, Personal collection, Recommendations, Notes Online courses Self-directed courses, Linear/ non-linear, Interactive learning activities, Custom/ subject specific activities, Course authoring Certification
Interactive Map (IM)
Community building and management Interactive map (IM) of stakeholders in DP Management and visualization of stakeholders and their DP resources, competences, and capacities across Europe and world-wide by geographical reference Data creators, Data holders, Service providers, Research institutions, Networks and multiplier organizations, Qualification and training, Accreditation and certification bodies, Policy makers and funders, Standardization bodies, Preservation practitioner Registry for prospective community members, their information and educational needs
521 1008 IM – What you can expect Stakeholder Register + contributions At project start 2011 Today 521 1008 Stakeholder Register organisations, virtual organisations, individuals + contributions
Overall Achievements
Overall achievements To 1.) Scientific sector considers DP as part of the overall data lifecycle Planning and implementation of data archival measures strongly relates to data management Combining Digital Preservation with Data Science in general when setting up a training and qualification offer To 2.) European accreditation in APARSEN was considered premature Alternative to stand-alone: Interdisciplinarity, Integration/Embedding of DP issues
Overall achievements Elicited needs and requirements focusing on CPE offerings targeting specific learning objectives, such as standards relevant for Digital Preservation To 3.) OTP suitable for self-directed online training and blended learning in combination with training events Register for qualification opportunities Training material repository Online learning service
Implications for Common Vision & VCoE Formal education for emerging professions of e-infrastructure operators, research technologists, data scientists or "data librarians" hardly exists APARSEN VCoE provides: Professional recognition Development of appropriate curricula, training and skills Training opportunities available at all levels and for all communities potentially engaged in research and innovation related activities Matching of community-specification on demand- and supply-side Sustainability: Alignment with RDA for the future
External collaboration and sustainability (I) According to Memorandum of Understanding: EGI.eu: Consultancy, Education and Training, to support education and training of Scientific and e-Infrastructure communities through a collaboration between the APARSEN VCoE and the EGI Distributed Competence Centre (DCC) DCH-RP: Joint organization of networking sessions and training courses. Support of Cultural Heritage and Memory Institution communities in education and training through a collaboration of these projects and their successors with the APARSEN VCoE EGI Distributed Competence Centre (DCC) that is currently being set up. 300 Research Communities, 23.000 researchers working in the EGI ecosystem. NOT formally mandated, activities related to training and education: SCIDIP-ES Standardization: PRESTO4U (interoperability and exchange of data between the standards registries), finished by end of 2014. Large stakeholder communities PREFORMA http://www.digitalmeetsculture.net/article/joint-cooperation-between-preforma-and-aparsen/ aims at: - Memory institutions and cultural heritage organisations coordinating or representing memory institutions, that are involved in (or planning) digital culture initiatives, to use the tools developed by PREFORMA. - Developers contributing code for the PREFORMA tools as well as developers implementing the reference implementations in production software. - Research organisations providing technical advice and expertise to cultural stakeholders. - Standardisation bodies maintaining the technical specifications of the preservation formats addressed in PREFORMA. - Funding agencies, such as Ministries of Culture and national/regional administrations, that own and manage digitisation programmes and may endorse the use of the PREFORMA tools in the digitisation process. - Best practice networks endorsing the use of open standards in creating and managing digital content. - Other projects in the digital culture, e-Infrastructures and policy arenas.
External collaboration and sustainability (II) PRESTO4U: Support AV media archives, researchers and industrial players with interoperability and exchange of data between the standards registries PERMORMA: Memory institutions and cultural heritage organisations Ongoing dialogue: SCIDIP-ES, EUDAT and 4C projects INFRASUPP-4-2015 proposal: educational infrastructure for Data Scientists (based on the APARSEN OTP)
Webinars in 2014 Long Term Digital Preservation and Digital Rights Management 10 March 2014, 40 attendees Storage Solutions for Digital Preservation 14 April 2014, 35 attendees Interoperability framework for Persistent Identifiers-2 25 June 2014, 50 attendees Integrated vision of Digital Preservation, launching the training portal 14 October 2014, 30 attendees Launching the APARSEN VCoE 10 December 2014, 25 attendees
Webinar program very successful for external liaison Total of 12 webinars throughout the whole APARSEN project Number of participants per webinar around 35-40 on average (highest 60, lowest 25) Always guest speakers from other projects invited Lively interaction with related projects elsewhere, created useful international liaisons Source of lively tweets Provided a good insight in defragmentation risks and issues Topics covered 2012 2013 2014 TRUST defined in Digital Preservation Virtual Centers of Excellence – 1 (KB, V-Must, OPF) Virtual Centers of Excellence -2 (KB, VVC, 3D, OPF) Interoperability of Presistent Identifiers Cost Models and Sustainability Interoperability and Intelligibility Strategies Certification of trustworthy digital repositories Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management Storage Solutions Interoperability Framework for Persistent Identifiers Common Vision on Digital Preservation Launching the Virtual Centre of Excellence
Defragmentation issues identified in the Webinars (D 45.2) (I) 14 Generic issues across the topics covered: Low or no awareness of the importance of long term digital preservation No integral approach throughout the lifecycle of a digital object (from creation to ingestion, to curation, to archiving, to access and re-use) Very few explicit policies on digital preservation aspects and management Ad hoc solutions that are not embedded in workflows Very little exchange of best practice experience Lack of common vocabulary, no glossary of terms Solutions are often domain-specific, local, or community-specific Lack of explicit workflow descriptors Lack of software capturing (especially for data) or semantic descriptions of objects Lack of preservation of DRM measures, especially when embedded in the object Technical implementations of standards or common approaches differ Representation Information (metadata) is not available or only implicitly (especially if concerning file formats, data types or DRM) Re-usability policies still under development Lack of interoperability frameworks or interoperability infrastructures
Defragmentation issues identified in the webinars (D 45.2) (II) And some of the generic solutions suggested: 1. Training of custodians in all stages of a lifecycle of the digital object, to increase the general awareness levels and the skills to embed digital preservation in every step of that lifecycle of a digital object. 2. Best practice recommendations, models, processes and workflows that help make preservation measures explicit and integrated in standard operational procedures. 3. Consultancy and advice on all aspects of issues (1) and (2) as well as on implementation of standards and tools. 4. Tools and services for digital preservation, from migration software to emulators, to storage solutions. 5. Development of solutions for existing gaps. 6. Solutions as described in 1 – 5 should not remain ad-hoc and local, they will benefit from an organisational infrastructure such as the foreseen VCoE and similar broad coalitions for collaboration between stakeholders.