REDCap New Features LTS 6.15.x 11/18/16 Terri Shkuda Research Informatics
Contact REDCap Administrator 4:48 PM Contact REDCap Administrator Need HELP or INFORMATION ? Use the Contact REDCap Administrator. It will generate an email with pertinent project information embedded in the email. No more returning emails asking for more information about which project. All requests need to be processed using this feature. 11/18/16
Email Notification The Email Notification tool replaces the Email Notifier data entry trigger. This new plugin can now send an email to a study team member triggered by the saving of a record and sent based on criteria (i.e., field value). It utilizes the same logic as an Automated Survey Invitation or branching logic. Multiple triggers can be set. 11/18/16
Live Filters in Reporting Live Filters allow users to create one report and use that report to identify up to 3 multiple choice fields which will cause the report to be re-run using the multiple choice field value(s) as a filter. The user would be able to export that filtered report. Full Report Filters applied 11/18/16
New Action Tags Action tags are placed in the Field Annotation or Field Comments location and performs a particular action when the field is displayed on a data entry form or survey. @USERNAME: sets the field’s value to the username of the current REDCap user. If this is used in a survey, the value will be [survey respondent]. Once the value has been captured, it will not be changed when visiting the page at a later time. @DEFAULT: Sets the field’s initial value. @DEFAULT=“xxx” @DEFAULT=“1,3,5” for checkboxes @DEFAULT=“Name: [first_name] [last_name]” for piped values @DEFAULT=“2016-11-10” for date fields, must be in YMD format. Default values can be changed when editing the data in the form or survey. 11/18/16
Exporting in new formats Export all project data in CDISC ODM format Export entire REDCap project in a single XML file to serve as a backup or snapshot which includes: Events/arms Instruments/fields Project attributes Uploaded files Project data Import an entire project exported in XML format (see above bullet) on the Create New Project page. 11/18/16
Miscellaneous Auto-continue surveys: When enabled a down arrow will be displayed in the Online Designer for that survey. Download and upload arms, events and designated instruments for events. 11/18/16
Miscellaneous (continued) Select/deselect button for designating instruments Survey Login: enabling/disabling masking of data Delete data when moving project to production Download charts 11/18/16