Planet Earth
Minerals/ Rock Cycle Topic 3/4 Violent Earth Mountain/Fossils Geotime/ Fossil Fuels Hodge Podge 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
What is the name of the naturally occurring solid substances found in rocks?
What is a mineral?
We use these clues to identify unknown minerals
What are lustre, colour, streak, cleavage, hardness and fracture?
This mineral is rated as the hardest by Moh’s hardness scale
What is Diamond?
This happens when a mineral or rock break into fragments or rough uneven surfaces
What is a fracture?
When identifying how a mineral shines under light we call this:
What is Lustre?
What are the Three Rock Families?
What is Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.
This is the name of the molten rock found deep below the earth’s crust?
What is magma?
These are the loose materials such as bits of rock, minerals and plant and animal remains.
What is soil?
This black rock is an example of extrusive rock that forms when lava rapidly cools.
What is Obsidian?
What is the parent rock of the metamorphic rock called marble?
What is Sedimentary Limestone ?
This type of rock is formed from tremendous heat and pressure within the earth.
What is Metamorphic Rock?
This is the opening in the earth that marks the origin of a volcano.
What is a VENT?
This is the molten rock that flows down the side of a volcano.
What is LAVA?
This layer of the Earth will not allow S-waves to pass through.
What is the Inner Core?
These layers of the Earth are Solid.
What is the Earth’s Crust and Inner Core? (Core)
This is the upward part of the folded rock in the cross-section below.
What is Anticline?
This type of fossil would best represent an ancient man trapped in ice .
What is Original remains?
This type of fossil is formed when water dissolves the calcium carbonate in bones and replaces it with silica?
What is Petrified?
This type of fault is generated when two plates diverge and one of the blocks drops?
What is a normal fault?
You can describe the top of these mountains as sharp or pointy.
What are young mountains?
Geologist use this principle to infer the relative ages of different layers of rock
What is Superposition?
This is the correct order of the eras, starting from today and moving back in time.
What is cenozoic, mesozoic, paleozoic, Precambrian ?
This era of time in the Geological Time Scale which humans are placed.
What is Cenozoic?
These are naturally occurring hydrocarbons such as oil, coal and gas
What is Petroleum?
This is a solid form of petroleum.
What is Bitumen?
This is the powdery mark left by some minerals when they are scraped against a hard porcelain plate.
What is streak?
This layer of the earth has the highest temperature
What is the inner core?
This man is responsible for the Theory of Plate Tectonics
Who is Tuzo Wilson?
This happens when 2 plates collide or converge and one is shoved underneath the other one.
What is Subduction Zone?
These volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean make up this.
What the Ring of Fire?
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