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Presentation transcript:


Christopher Columbus European Explorers Rival Claims Native Americans New World Hodge Podge

$200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 Columbus The New World European Explorers Rival Claims The New World European Explorers Native American Stuff Hodge Podge $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

The year Columbus “discovered” the New World. 1492

The country in which Columbus was born. Italy

Columbus - $600 The reason Columbus set out on his first voyage. To find a shortcut to Asia

Columbus - $800 The names of the three ships used by Columbus on his first voyage. Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria

Columbus - $1000 Daily Double!! The royal couple who sponsored Columbus on his first voyage to the New World. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

These two Catholic countries made extensive claims in North America. Rival Claims -- $200 These two Catholic countries made extensive claims in North America. Spain & France

Rival Claims $400 This nation claimed most of what is now eastern Canada. France

Rival Claims $600 This river valley was the site of numerous Dutch settlements. Hudson River Valley

Rival Claims $800 These two countries developed a rivalry over the fur trade in North America. France & the Netherlands

Rival Claims $1000 The King of England who approved the first charter for colonization in the New World. King James

Hodge Podge - $200 Columbus sailed for this European nation. Spain

Hodge Podge - $1000 Samuel de Champlain sailed up this river while exploring for France. St. Lawrence

Hodge Podge - $600 These people agreed to work without wages for anyone who would pay for their trip to the New World. Indentured servants

Hodge Podge - $800 Many European sailors searched for this non-existent trade route through North America. Northwest Passage

This document established the rules for Plymouth Colony. Hodge Podge - $400 This document established the rules for Plymouth Colony. Mayflower Compact

The New World - $200 One of two Protestant nations with claims in the New World. England or the Netherlands

The New World - $400 English colonists went to Virginia to grow this addictive crop. tobacco

The New World - $600 This was the first permanent English settlement in North America. Jamestown

The New World - $800 These people left England to practice their religion freely in North America. Pilgrims

The New World - $1000 A colony on this island “disappeared” shortly after being settled in 1587. Roanoke

European Explorers - $200 Marquette and Joliet explored this North American river. Mississippi

He was the first man to circumnavigate the globe. European Explorers - $400 He was the first man to circumnavigate the globe. Magellan

European Explorers - $600 He claimed Florida for Spain, then went off in search of the Fountain of Youth. Ponce de Leon

European Explorers - $800 Daily Double! He claimed the east coast of North America for the British. John Cabot

European Explorers - $1000 This Frenchman explored the Mississippi & founded New Orleans. Robert de La Salle

Native Americans - $200 Europeans brought this disease to the New World where it killed thousands of natives. smallpox

Native Americans - $400 Name three crops grown by native North Americans. Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, beans

Native Americans - $600 Name two items brought by Columbus to the New World. Clothing, new food, medicinal plants

Native Americans - $800 The name of the native tribe decimated by the arrival of Europeans in the New World. Taino

Native Americans - $1000 This man purchased Manhattan from natives for pocket change. Peter Minuit

Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy This law-making body was the first form of representative government in the British colonies. Virginia House of Burgesses