Hispanic school culture 7th grade
Attention Grabber! Check out this video! http://schooltheworld.org/ What does it make you think about Hispanic schools compared to American schools? Discuss in small groups.
Anticipation Guide Individual Assignment Read each statement and decide if you think it is True or False. Circle “Cierto” or “Falso” your decision. Share your decisions in small groups. We will revisit these statements at the end of class to see if your decisions have changed.
Visual Discovery Let’s view this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0joESbxd_Bw While watching, jot down “Eye-Catching Moments” on the small sheet provided. After the video, share your “Eye-Catching Moments” in your small group and work together to fill-out some similarities and differences between Hispanic school systems and American schools systems.
Reading Discovery You will be given 1 of the 3 or 4 readings about a Hispanic school or student. Read your reading silently to yourself. Jot down two talking points on your “Eye-Catching Moments” paper. Meet with other students that read the same reading as you and share your talking points. Each member of the small reading group will share one talking point with the large whole group.
Anticipation Guide Let’s revisit your anticipation guide and see if any of your decisions have changed based on what you’ve learned in class today.
Homework (Tarea): Imagine that you have chosen to participate in a study abroad program in Mexico. After a few days of culture shock you decide to create a blog about your experiences so far. Today you are focusing on the similarities and differences between your study abroad school and your school at home. Write a blog entry (in English) detailing your thoughts and feelings about at least three school life comparisons. What is a blog?: A website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
KidBlog Blog Directions: (To be completed online with access from my webpage of the school’s website) Click on your class link (Period 2, 4, or 7) on my webpage of the school’s website under the “Tarea (Homework)” tab Click "Log in" at the top right corner of the screen Use the drop down box to find and click on your name Enter the password "medford" and click "Log in" Click on "Your assignment" on the main screen. Read your assignment and complete it in the comments section. Make sure you post your comment when finished typing by clicking the blue “comment” button.
Homework This is due tomorrow. If you do not have computer access, you may complete the above assignment on paper