The influence of Culture on communication Chapter 2
Definitions of culture The meaning for the term “culture” expands as the culture changes It is a dynamic (ever-changing) value system of learned attitudes with assumptions, convention beliefs and rules that permit members of a group to relate to one another and the world.” A Deaf sociologist & researcher, Marie Philip (yes, with one “L”) divides culture into 3 schema subsets (complete the activity in Study Guide # 2 – Page 10, Question 2): Material objects used in a traditional way according to a norm in society Behavioral rules that are cultivated (taught/learned) Cognitive expectations that are developed on an intuitive level
The role of culture Shapes societal thinking / inseparable from language Influence Social interaction (language and behavior) / Standards (Ex. Amistad video clip) Puts worth or value on concepts such as (see additional examples in the textbook): Birth order Economic status Can promote individualism or collectivism (Note Fig. 2.1 pages 40-43 Defines identity / place of belonging / norms (time, accomplishment, business, interaction, etc.) Emphasize similarities / differences (See Fig. 2.2 page 47) Ex. Ways of getting attention Empower a person to live a particular way (but can experience cultural conflict) pp. 48-51
Interpret “should” or “almost”
Why it is important for interpreters to understand cultural differences Effective communication / expectations / differences / mediation Avoid insensitive comments / watch for cross-cultural dynamics (habits/ways of thinking) Prevent judgmental reactions / misunderstandings Appropriate reflect the Deaf and hearing party’s language, culture and membership (and not solely that of the interpreter, which will still have some influence) to the interpretation process Awareness increases about conscious and unconscious allegiance(s) and the impact on interpersonal communication Adapt to identify and represent various cultural frames (mindsets) & filters (rules)