Written assignment Written assignment 书面作业.


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Presentation transcript:

Written assignment Written assignment 书面作业

Written Assignment 书面作业 Culmination of independent research Carried out on ONE of the prescribed topics of the language ab initio (see next page) Aim –to describe the chosen topic before identifying differences and/or similarities between their own culture (s) and the target culture (s). - to reflect on these differences and/or similarities by responding to a set of guiding questions.

Written Assignment 书面作业 Tips for a good topic 1) interests you 2) allows you to EXPLORE a cultural difference between your country and China. - comparing the celebration of Spring Festival with Korean New Year. 3) is easy enough for you to write about with the language you have 4) has some sources available in both Chinese and your own language for you to use. (ideally from internet)

Written Assignment 书面作业 Length Sources Communicative purposes 240-420 个汉字 2-4 sources in the TARGET language (additional sources in any language are optional) Description 描述 Comparison 比较 Reflection 反思 Description 描述 – a description of the chosen topic in relation to specific aspects of the target culture (s) Comparison 比较 – a comparison of the differences and/or similarities between the chosen topic in the target culture (s) and the student’s culture (s) Reflection 反思 – a reflection related to the chosen topic

Written Assignment 书面作业 Reflection MUST include answers to ALL the following questions – 1) Which aspect of your chosen topic surprised you? 2) Why do you think these cultural similarities/differences exist? 3) What might a person from the target culture (s) find different about your chosen topic in your culture (s)?

Written Assignment 书面作业 Useful words to use --- 比 to make a comparison, for example: 法国人比中国人。。。- French people compared to Chinese people ... 根据  for “according to ...”, for example: 根据中国传统的观念。。。- According to traditional Chinese concepts ...

Written Assignment 书面作业 For the reflection part, it’s probably helpful to use / adapt the following sentences to make it very clear to the examiner you have covered the three questions. First question: 我对。。。感到非常惊讶 - I was surprised at ... 和我们不一样的是。。。 - What is different from us is ...

Written Assignment 书面作业 Second question: 我认为这样的文化差别是因为 - I believe that these cultural differences are due to ... Third question: 我觉得中国人可能会不太喜欢。。。 - I believe that Chinese people may not like (very much) ... Note: this last sentence may have to be adapted to say 'I believe that Chinese people may find it difficult to ...'; 'I believe that Chinese people may not accept / be used to ...', etc.

Written Assignment 书面作业 The student MUST submit --- 1) a word processed piece of writing 2) the sources in the target language 3) a bibliography in standard format with reference to all sources in all languages

Written Assignment 书面作业 Assessment Criteria are used to assess the WA, which is awarded a total of 20 marks. Criteria A Description 2 marks Criteria B Comparison 3 marks Criteria C Reflection question 1 Criteria D Reflection question 2 Criteria E Reflection question3 Criteria F Language 4 marks Criteria G Formal requirements & register Total 20 marks

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