Interactive differentialdiagnostics
27 years old woman. MOD amalgam filling in the 27 and it’s an increasing pain in the last two days. No visible secondary caries, but cold and sweet can provocate pain attac. The patient frequently nervous. She use birth controll pills and vitamin complex. No othar complaints.
47 years old man. No mandibular teeth 47 years old man. No mandibular teeth. He wants removable lower dentures. Not use cigarettes, sometimes use alcohol. No drugs, no any illness, no tooth pain. Not know any mucosal disease or discoloration in his oral cavity.
32 year old woman. She comes to removing calculus and polishing teeth 32 year old woman. She comes to removing calculus and polishing teeth. „Not serious, it usually in this statue” says to the question about her lips.
68 years old male. He has diabetes mellitus in the las 15 years (Type II.). He use drugs for diabetes, for hypertension and rheumatic gout. Usually use alcohol and smoking. No palpatable lymphatic nodes.
57 years old woman in the life period of climax. She use hormone drugs 57 years old woman in the life period of climax. She use hormone drugs. She is in the osteoprosis diagnostic process. She’s work place will cancel in the near future, adult children are living abroad. Sometimes use alcohol and various amount of cigarettes.
27 years old woman. She is risk patient because she has congenital heart failure. She want’s to be pregnant and she come to regular examination. In the last one-two weeks she feels a strange but no painful lesions.
59 years old male. He has a pain on 22 tooth. There is a carious lesion. If we use anaesthesia and make a restauration with anatomical re build up (dentin, enamel, opalescence, fluorescence, macro- and micro morphological charecteristic), but not make a stomato-oncological examination, somethig remain unvisible in the right sublingual area.
31 years old woman can feel and see something strange on the upper surface of her tongue.
The young male had a polycystic renal failure The young male had a polycystic renal failure. Kidney transplantation was a few mounth ago. General statue of the patient is quit good. Laboratory tests are also good (every week there is a control). Present complaints a painful ulcer arised on the left bucca 3 weeks ago. This was bigger and bigger till azitromycin therapy was started. Now this lesion is constant, but painful and very sensitive to foods. He used Borax as his doctor recommended.
36 years old male feels a pain on the left bucca in the last two days 36 years old male feels a pain on the left bucca in the last two days. It is very sensitive to hot and spicy foods.
53 year old male. In the last five years he used this combinated denture. Complaints : sensitivity to cold and hot of 35. In the clinical examination shows out a distal carious lesion on this tooth. Need the patient any other treatment?
No pain, only the clinical picture. It’s ok, or need some treatment?