High Resolution Working Group Andy Pollock Adam Foster
What is it? Create a published line list using Chandra Capella spectrum Compare with existing atomic databases
Actions from 2013
Actions from 2013 Progress: none
Actions from 2013 Progress: none
Now what? “The best is the enemy of good enough” Make a line list! Observed wavelength, uncertainty Lab wavelength, uncertainty (Observed flux, estimated flux)
Expand targets Capella WR 140? HR 1099 Ar Lac Theta 1 Ori C Vinay's Big List o' Stars(TM)
Now what? “The best is the enemy of good enough” Make a line list! Assess uncertainties in line wavelengths in existing databases Locate lines missing from databases Search for DR satellite lines Estimate missing flux from omitted line complexes Diagnostics – list them, identify their reliability/quality/uncertainty
Bonus projects Study of calibration of existing instruments Document what has been learned from calibration issues of current instruments. What have we learned? Which standards (in flight & on the ground) were most useful? Interaction of analysis programs with calibration How good does the cal need to be, How good are packages at using it?
Shameless Plug! 6-9th September 2014 Tokyo High-resolution spectroscopy workshop. Aimed at students/postdocs. Send yours!