An Ancient Chinese Invention SAMPLE PROJECT BLOCK PRINTING An Ancient Chinese Invention SAMPLE PROJECT
What is block printing? Block printing is text that is written on thin paper. It is then glued face down on a wooden plate. Characters (symbols) are carved out of a wooden block printing plate. The plate is then used to print text.
Sample of a Chinese Wood Block
When was block printing first invented? Block printing was first developed during the Tang Dynasty (618 CE-907 CE) This map shows the area of China that was part of the Tang Dynasty.
Interesting Facts The earliest example of a book made using block printing was The Diamond Sutra (868 CE). Block printing was first used to print Buddist scriptures.
IMPORTANCE OF BLOCK PRINTING (Essential Question 1) Government could distribute important documents. A new class of scholar-officials came about. Knowledge of written text gave power and higher ranking to individuals who could read. Printing brought about examination to test knowledge.
WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT BLOCK PRINTING? Block printing should be included in the museum because it was an important contribution to education. Where would any society be today without reading and books? Block printing made books and the sharing of knowledge possible in ancient China which led to many changes in China and the rest of the world. It is imperative that this piece of history be included in the museum (essential question 2).
Bibliography “Four Great Inventions of Ancient China - Printing." China Culture. Ministry of Culture, P. R. China. 29 July 2009 <>.