It is a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point Definition of line It is a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point
Types of Lines Vertical Horizontal Diagonal Zigzag Curved
VERTICAL LINES Are straight up & down and perpendicular to horizontal lines
HORIZONTAL LINES Run from left-to- right across the page.. It comes from the word 'horizon.‘ These lines are perpendicular to vertical lines
DIAGONAL LINES Lines that straight in any direction except vertical or horizontal
ZIGZAG LINES Are a series of diagonal lines joined end to end
CURVED LINES Lines that bend in any amount of degree; they may be gently wavy to tightly wound spirals
CHARACTERISTICS OF LINES Width: thick, thin, tapering, uneven Length: long, short, Continuous, broken Direction: Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal, Curving, Perpendicular, Oblique, Parallel, Radial, and Zigzag Focus: Sharp, blurry, fuzzy, choppy Feeling: Sharp, Jagged, Graceful, smooth
VARIATIONS OF LINES Lines come in many varieties. They may: Be long, short, or anything in between Be thick, thin Be rough or smooth Be continuous, implied, dotted, dashed Change direction Change in degree of curve (curved lines) Be any of the above combined
Example of implied lines
SOME WAYS ARTISTS USE LINE To outline: a starting place for many drawings or paintings. Outlines are made by the edge of an object or its silhouette
SOME WAYS ARTISTS USE LINE To suggest moods or emotion; lines can appear calm, nerveous, angry, etc.
SOME WAYS ARTISTS USE LINE To lead the viewer’s eye through a work of art
SOME WAYS ARTISTS USE LINE To create lightness or darkness; lines placed close together appear darker than those placed further from each other.
SOME WAYS ARTISTS USE LINE To create texture; roughness or smoothness
COMMON TYPES OF LINE DRAWINGS Contour line drawing: drawings that use a fairly continuous line to represent the edges and surface detail of shape or objects being drawn
COMMON TYPES OF LINE DRAWINGS Gestural line drawings: drawings that use quick pencil strokes (or other drawing instruments) to capture a scene. Gestural drawings imply action and movement
COMMON TYPES OF LINE DRAWINGS Hatched and cross-hatched line drawings: drawings that consists of parallel lines (hatching) or crossing parallel lines (cross-hatching) drawn to create changes in lightness and darkness and texture.
MEANING OF LINES Thin lines are fragile. They appear easy to break or knock over. They suggest frailty and convey an elegant quality. They are delicate and give off an ephemeral air.
MEANING OF LINES Thick lines on the other hand appear difficult to break. They suggest strength and give emphasis to nearby elements. Thick lines are bold and make a statement. Appear masculine.
MEANING OF LINES Horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon (hence the name). They look like they’re lying down, at rest, asleep. They suggest calm and quiet, a relaxed comfort. Horizontal lines can’t fall over. They accentuate width. They’re stable and secure. The convey an absence of conflict, a restful peace. Horizontal lines by their connection to the horizon are associated with earth bound things and idea.
MEANING OF LINES Vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon. They are filled with potential energy that could be released if they were to fall over. Vertical lines are strong and rigid. They can suggest stability, especially when thicker. Vertical lines accentuate height and convey a lack of movement, which is usually seen as horizontal. They stretch from the earth to the heavens and are often connected with religious feelings. Their tallness and formality may give the impression of dignity.
MEANING OF LINES Diagonal lines are unbalanced. They are filled with restless and uncontrolled energy. They can appear to be either rising or falling and convey action and motion. Their kinetic energy and apparent movement create tension and excitement. Diagonal lines are more dramatic than either horizontal or vertical lines. Diagonal lines can also appear solid and unmoving if they are holding something up or at rest against a vertical line or plane.
MEANING OF LINES Curved lines are softer than straight lines. They sweep and turn gracefully between end points. They are less definite and predictable than straight lines. They bend, they change direction. Curved lines express fluid movement. They can be calm or dynamic depending on how much they curve. The less active the curve the calmer the feeling.
MEANING OF LINES Zigzag lines are a combination of diagonal lines that connect at points. They take on the dynamic and high energy characteristics of diagonal lines. They create excitement and intense movement. They convey confusion and nervousness as they change direction quickly and frequently. They can imply danger and destruction as they break down.
Name 3 ways artist use lines EXIT TICKET QUESTION
Which type of line conveys power and strength? EXIT TICKET QUESTION