Thursday 10th and Friday 11th November REMEMBRANCE DAY Big idea: Why do we wear poppies and slap-bands? “We wear the poppies to show respect for the soldiers that have died in the war” said Stanley. “My great grandad was in the war and he survived” said Jamie Hookes. “My great great great grandad was in WW1” said Leo. “I am thankful that I’m alive "said Evie S. The whole school visited to the church to show a sign of respect. We learnt: You have a two minute silence to think of the soldiers who lost their lives in the wars. The money that we raised in school goes to the British Legion and then they share it with the families who’ve been effected by the wars. You can go to church to show that you are thinking of the soldiers. There are lots of poems written about World War 1 – the Great War. Footballers are wearing black armbands with poppies on them to show their respect. “Why are poppies red?” (Sennen) We read a poem about remembering the soldiers. Then we made predictions about the poem title. Well done Ciaran for predicting the actual title, but we liked Mattie’s idea (We’ll remember them..) and Evie Lewin (Remember!)