Its Time to Connect USN Reserve Dental Corps
Agenda NDAA Update Reserve Dental Corps Reorganization Leadership* NDAA Update Reserve Dental Corps Reorganization February 2017 Norfolk Meeting 3 Lines Of Effort Infection Control Program Roll Out Role of the SDE and all Dental Officers T2 Calibration and Standardized Dental Record/Exam Immunization Requirements Planned Telcons Connection Plan * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
* Current CO’s, XO’s, Post Commands , Deputy Corps Chief and RAO Reserve Dental Corps Senior Leadership* National Dental Coverage Plan Coordinator Professional Development Coordinator Clinical Standards Coordinator SDE EMF Dallas SDE EMF Great Lakes SDE EMF Camp Pendleton SDE EMF Bethesda SDE OHSU Bremerton SDE OHSU JAX * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet SDE OHSU CL SDE OHSU Portsmouth SDE OHSU PCOLA SDE OHSU San Diego CPS 4th Den Bn * Current CO’s, XO’s, Post Commands , Deputy Corps Chief and RAO
National Dental Coverage Plan Coordinator Professional Development Clinical Standards Coordinator Senior Executive Leadership Symposium Mentoring Program for DCO and AD Transition Career Development Board Credentialing Immunizations APPLY/JO APPLY Mobilization Infection Control Training and Standardization Standard of Care T2 Calibration Dental Record /Exam HIPPA Compliance Equipment Inventory and Compliance SDE Coordination RCC Coordination VTU Manager NOSC Education MDSP (NGREA) CDR David Allen CAPT Sherma Saif CAPT Larry Goldstein
Reserve Dental Corps Infection Control Program Leadership* Reserve Dental Corps Infection Control Officer Go To Person: Questions about infection control and post exposure events; reviews and evaluates infection control protocol Addresses infection control protocol quarterly and assists during occupational exposure Provides training to SDE’s in infection control LCDR Chen / 916-837-9694 * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
SDE Roles and Responsibilities Maintains infection control training documentation for command Reports any infection control issues Ensures training May delegate Detachment /Site IC Duties * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
Training Requirements All Reserve Dental Officers and Enlisted Personnel SDE ensures initial training within 90 days of joining command and tri-annually thereafter Document with Navy Reserve Dental Corps Acknowledgement of Training Form
Training Program Modules 1 - Principals of Sterilization 2 – (4) –Infection Control Courses 3 - Reserve Dental Corps Infection Control SOP and companion PPT 4- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Protocol 5- If saliva were red video
Standardized Dental Record/Exam T2 Calibration Standardized Dental Record/Exam Reserve Dental Corps Leadership* New T2 Calibration Tool CDR Allen and CDR Radadia Chapter 6 MANMED Update * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
Immunizations Requirements Discussion and Awareness of Requirements Reserve Dental Corps Leadership* Discussion and Awareness of Requirements Lead * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
Reserve Dental Corps Telcons Lead- CDR Reeves & LCDR Powers Frequency Leadership* Lead- CDR Reeves & LCDR Powers Frequency Monthly, Quarterly, Biannual? Keep Short and Cogent SDE Telcons and/or All Hands Telcons/ Published Schedule * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
Reserve Dental Corps Connection Plan Flag Wardroom Update Leadership* Flag Wardroom Update CNO/SG/CNR Strategic Goals and Initiatives Lessons Learned Newsletter or Blog with Twitter Feeds? Ghostwriter for WDU and RDML Guldbek * Any dental officer serving in a major command CO, XO or post command billet
Its Time to Connect