Maths Evening for Parents Welcome Year 1 Tuesday 15th November 2016
Learning Objective Intended learning for the lesson. (Children know as ‘L.O.’) Our learning objective for this evening… To understand different methods for calculating answers to Maths problems.
Typical Maths lesson Mental/Oral warm up Input Main activity Plenary (throughout lesson) Rotation activities Concrete, pictorial, abstract Mastery Corrections and extensions
Year 1 - New National Curriculum Number (Place value, addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division, Fractions) Measurement Geometry (shape, position and direction) (Statistics - Year 2)
Reasoning, problem solving and applying. The new National Curriculum will set out only the essential knowledge that all children should acquire. Fundamentals of Maths. Reasoning, problem solving and applying. Mastery
Count, read and write numbers to 100 and back. Find 1 more/less than any number to 100 Count in 2s, 5s and 10s Use objects, pictorial representations and number lines. Understand and write + = and – symbols. Know number facts within 20. Answer simple multiplication and division problems using objects. Find half and quarter of shape and number.
Compare, describe and solve practical problems for lengths, heights, mass, weight, capacity, volume. Measure and begin to record time, lengths, heights, mass, weight, capacity, volume. Recognise and know values of coins and notes. Tell the time to the hour and half hour. Recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes. Describe position, direction and movement including whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns.
Talk for Maths! Questioning Explaining Vocabulary Cross curricular links – speaking and listening.
Demonstrations by the children themselves!
Find your own path No right method, show variety of ways so children can find one that works for them.
What is my child learning in Maths? How can I help them? Maths evenings Topic newsletters Weekly homework tasks Maths games (optional) Maths shop School website Education City/Purple Mash
Main Activity Dragonflies classroom Go and explore the relevant resources for your child’s year group. Read the cards or questions on the tables. Try to solve any problems using the method or apparatus available. Feel free to ask the class teachers any questions.