Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Weeks and Miss Perry


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Weeks and Miss Perry Teaching assistant – Mrs Hussey (in the mornings) Miss Mosely and Mrs Bell supporting in Class 7

Year 2 Menu

Year 2 Timeline

Year 2 Weekly plan

Start/End of Day (Communication) The children are already getting into the habit of coming into school on their own in the mornings which is a great support in developing their responsibility and independence. Should you wish to discuss anything with us we will be available after school unless there is anything that is crucial to support your child's learning that day. Tuesday’s are Staff Meetings so we may have limited time that evening. Please come and see us if you are unsure, concerned or worried. If your child is going home with someone else please send them in with a note in the morning to let us know. This will avoid us having to disturb you with a phone call to confirm the arrangement.

PE days and Kit NAME LABELS!! (Please !!) PE is usually on a Monday and Tuesday. This term, we are lucky enough to have PE lessons with Future Stars, so PE will be on Fridays only. The PE timetable is subject to change so it is important that the children have their PE in school every day. Changing independently and being responsible for belongings. PE kit should be: T-shirt (coloured), shorts, jumper, tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Long hair must be tied back for PE days. If your child has their ears pierced please make sure that they do not wear earrings on their PE day. For newly pierced ears, tape (provided by yourself) may be used to cover the earrings for 6 weeks only. The children must be able to put this on themselves. NAME LABELS!! (Please !!)

Homework Reading - Children are encouraged to read their reading books with an adult every night if possible. Reading Records. Spellings – Term 2. Spelling assessments this term. Maths – Please work on rapid recall of number facts (number bonds and times tables). The children will have two projects over the year. We encourage the children to use the Bailey’s Court Website to practise key skills and develop their learning at home through interactive games and activities.

Other ways to help at home Joined handwriting Number formation Tying shoe laces Quick mental calculation games Telling the time Using money/coin recognition/finding change Playing board games – taking turns, dice skills, problem solving Encourage ambitious vocabulary Learn days of the week, months of the year Read, read, read ....discuss and enjoy stories, comics, newspapers, leaflets, timetables....

SATs Children will do SATs for Reading, Writing and Maths. SATs will towards the end of the year. We will tell you more nearer the time.

Other key points Book changing day Fruit and water bottles Parent helpers – yes please! Uniform and jewellery. Show and Tell – celebrate achievements outside of school
