Transition from Reception to Year 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Transition from Reception to Year 1

Transition Gradual changes introduced into classroom activities and routines. Tailored to meet the needs of each class and individual child. Shared end goal is to ensure that your child is ready to begin learning the Year 1 curriculum in September.

The Curriculum Now Early Learning Goals link closely to Year 1 starting point expectations. Many Reception pupils are working on Year 1 attainment targets in Writing, Reading and Maths. Year 1 teachers adapt planning to cross-curricular format to continue holistic learning.

What is happening in Reception classes now? More whole class directed activities- a gradual process. Children in ability groups for some differentiated activities. Emphasis on independence and responsibility.

Finding out about Year 1 Transition week – week beginning 3rd July Children will be completing transition booklets Y1 classes will be making posters all about Year 1 Y1 School Council representatives will visit Reception classes with posters to talk about Year 1 and to answer questions Reception teachers will talk to their classes about Year 1 and what it will be like. Worries and concerns will be discussed. Teachers to visit their new Y1 classes to get to know the children (Wednesday 5th July)

General Information about Year 1 There will be TAs working across Year 1 but not necessarily attached to a class. There will be a workshop in school or a trip out each term – these are not yet confirmed. Will need to ask for voluntary donations for these to run. Parent pack will come home at the beginning of Year 1 to help you support your child’s learning. Each child will receive a Mathletics user name and password, as well as their Active Learn and DB Primary passwords.

General Information about Year 1 Groupings: Children will be grouped according to ability for phonics, maths, English and reading. Phonics teaching will take place in sets. These groups are flexible – children will often be moved according to their progress. Most other lessons will have mixed ability groups.

Start of Autumn Term For the first three full weeks, the new Y1 classes will be taught the Year 1 curriculum in their new classrooms in the mornings. Afternoons in Reception classes. Year 1 curriculum will be adapted to Reception environment.

Routines – Reading books and book bags Children need to bring their reading books and reading records in their book bags every day. There will be a set day to change reading books, but children will often be asked to get their books out and read in school, so they need their books all the time.

Routines - Homework Homework will begin in the second full week of term. Reading – daily. Please fill in reading record. Spellings – sent home on Friday, spelling test Wednesday. Scores will be reported to you. Literacy - every week – use spelling words to write sentences. Maths - fortnightly. Game or activity related to the curriculum – relating to next week or what has just been taught. Could be Mathletics.

Homework Homework will be given out on Friday, and needs to be in by the following Wednesday for marking. This will not be detailed marking as activities are for you and child to do together. Children are responsible for handing it in – teachers will not look in book bags, although they will give a reminder. It can of course be handed in earlier than Wednesday!

Routines – Break times Break time will be in the mornings. No milk – the government provides this for Nursery and Reception only. Lunchtime – later than Reception – at 12 noon.

Equipment Children need to bring a named water bottle every day (water only, no juice or squash). PE kits (including a tracksuit) should be in school every day (everything must be named including plimsolls). We will let you know PE days for each class. Apron for Art/DT – long sleeved – ideally green. Must be named. Bring book bag with books and reading record every day.

Curriculum Maths and English curriculum have increased expectations in the new National Curriculum, including grammar, spelling and handwriting. Year 1 spelling list. Maths taught discretely, English linked to topic work - combined with science, history, geography, art, DT. Phonics also taught discretely – statutory phonics check at end of Year 1 in June 2018 – result will be reported to you. Maths – focus on counting in 10s, 5s, 2s, times tables 10x, 5x, 2x. Number bonds for 20 and all numbers up to 100. Problem solving.

Contacts If you have a concern about your child, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instant. Any questions…