Welcome to our Year 1 Maths Workshop!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to our Year 1 Maths Workshop!

Ten frames 4 + 6 = 10 Using the counters – how many different ways can you make 10? Write the number sentences onto your whiteboards

Ten frames There are 8 children at the party. 2 more come and join in. How would you represent this on your ten frame?

Bar model Can you use the bar model to represent different ways of making the numbers below? 5 6

Solve these problems using the bar model (part-part-whole) with your child. 1. There are 5 people in the shop. 5 more people arrive. 2. I have 6 sweets. I get 4 more for a treat. 3. I have 2 books. I get 8 more from the library. 4. There are 1 coin in my purse. I get 9 more from my mum. 5. There are 8 children at the party. 2 more come and join in. 6. Write a story to show 7 + 3 7. Write a story to show 4 + 6

Maths at Milton Park Being able to calculate mentally (‘in your head’) is important to solve maths problems. So, effective mental methods are regularly taught, used and applied in lessons. Children build up counting strategies and develop a secure understanding of place value (what a digit is ‘worth’) and number facts. Practical activities are used and the use of jottings is encouraged. As the numbers used get bigger, children use structured number lines to help them. Once children use mental strategies confidently, they start to look at more formal written methods. Children are taught a number of strategies, initially developing their mental strategies, moving towards efficient and more compact written methods which you may remember from school. The Mental Maths Challenge Booklets support this knowledge.

Maths at Milton Park The aim is to make sure that every child can confidently use a reliable method to solve maths problems when they cannot work out the calculation in their heads or do not have access to practical resources or a marked number line. It is important to remember that children may prefer to use different methods. A wide range of calculation strategies are taught so that children are given the opportunity to choose one that they can use confidently and accurately.

Part-part-whole for addition Using a bar model we can work out missing number sentences For example 10 = 6 + __ 10 6

Examples of using the part- part- whole

Part-part-whole for subtraction Using a bar model we can work out missing number sentences For example 10 – 6 = ___ 10 6

Using the bar model (part-part-whole)we can solve subtraction problems. For example I have 10p in my pocket. I spend 3p. How much do I have left? 10 3

To really show that the children understand what they are doing, they can make up their own problems for others to solve.

Use fingers to count on number bonds for other numbers 5,6,7,8,9 Hold the bigger number in your head. Hold up the correct number of fingers to show the second number. Count on from the first number using fingers to find the total I have 6 in my head. 6 + 5 = 7 8 9 10 11

Structured number lines: addition Link the practical activity of counting on to recording using a structured number line  If I have 3 apples and 2 apples, I have 5 apples altogether.

Structured number lines: subtraction Link the practical activity of counting back to recording using a structured number line  If I have 6 apples and I eat 2, I have 4 apples left



Thank you for coming to our workshop. We hope it has been useful Thank you for coming to our workshop! We hope it has been useful. Please ask any questions if you need to.