Physical Features and their effects… European Geography Physical Features and their effects…
Mountains of Europe Pyrenees – separate France and Spain Alps – found in Northern Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria; Snowmelt from the pours into many of Europe’s Rivers Ural – found in Western Russia; they separate Europe and Asia. Balkans – on the Balkan Peninsula
European Peninsulas Scandinavian – made up of Norway and Sweden; mountainous region bordered by the Arctic Ocean. Iberian – made up of Spain and Portugal; it is separated from the rest of Europe by the Pyrenees. Balkan – Greece and Albania Italian - Italy
The European Plain Starts on the Atlantic coast of France and reaches all the way across to the Ural Mountains of Russia. Some very fertile agricultural areas. Home to some of the largest cities in Europe like Paris, Berlin, and Moscow.
Europe waterways Danube River Rhine River English Channel 2nd largest in Europe Important shipping route across the continent Flows from west to east from Germany to the Black Sea Flows through or forms the border of 10 countries Rhine River Originates in the Swiss Alps and flows NW to the North Sea Historically used to ship goods throughout Europe English Channel Narrow seaway b/t England and France In 1994, an underground rail tunnel called the “chunnel” was opened for transportation under the channel. Mediterranean Sea Worlds largest inland sea, located b/t Europe, Africa, and Asia. The region has a dry, warm climate.
Geographic and Cultural Barriers Mountains, and other geographic features like rivers, naturally create boundaries in parts of Europe. Countries that have abundant natural resources are usually wealthier