Aim: How are metamorphic rocks formed and classified? Do Now: Why are sedimentary rocks the only type to have fossils?
How is the following creature changing?
How does an igneous rock get metamorphosed? Granite Gneiss
How do we define metamorphism? Heat Pressure Metamorphism – changes within the original (parent) rock that forms into a new rock by heat and/or pressure.
Riddle of the day: Why are metamorphic rocks called the music rocks? Because they have “BANDS”!!
How can we describe some characteristics due to metamorphism? Metamorphism causes: • Foliation – alignment of minerals. • Banding – folding of minerals in the rock • Recrystalization – crystals will grow larger • Increase in density
How can we describe regional metamorphism? Why is Mount Everest so tall? 1. Regional metamorphism: occurs during mountain building or plate movement Parent rock becomes distorted (folded) and transforms into a metamorphic rock Rocks below are subjected to intense heat and pressure due to the overlying rocks and sediments What do you think is happening to the rocks underneath the mountain? Why? Mount Everest Mountain Formation Animation on Vimeo
How can we illustrate the process of Regional Metamorphism? Through the process of metamorphism (Low to High grade) a sedimentary rock, Shale, becomes a metamorphic rock.
How do we interpret the metamorphic table?
How can we describe contact metamorphism? 2. Contact metamorphism: lava/magma touches the surrounding rock & changes it into a metamorphic rock. • HEAT only (no pressure). • Foliation does not take place Crystals grow and get bigger
How do we interpret the metamorphic table? Granite conglomerate
Summary – Metamorphic Activity Using your notes and the ESRT, answer the questions for each diagram. E F Using the diagram to the left, answer the following questions: Identify the type of metamorphism that occurs at letter F. Identify where another letter where metamorphism occurring. Identify the metamorphic rock that forms at letters F and E. Contact Metamorphism Quartzite Marble Contact Metamorphism Using the diagram to the right, answer the following question: 4. Identify the type of metamorphism occurring at position 1 and 2. Regional Metamorphism
Extra Summary Questions
Extra Summary Questions Identify each Rock type. Rock type 1 - Sedimentary Rock type 2 - Igneous Rock type 3 - Metamorphic
Parent Rock Metamorphic rock Shale Slate Granite Gneiss Limestone Marble Conglomerate Metaconglomerate Quartz-sandstone Quartzite Bituminous coal Anthorcitic coal
Summary – Metamorphic Activity Using your notes and the ESRT, answer the questions for each diagram. E F Using the diagram to the left, answer the following questions: Identify the type of metamorphism that occurs at letter F. Identify where another letter where metamorphism occurring. Identify the metamorphic rock that forms at letters F and E. Using the diagram to the right, answer the following question: 4. Identify the type of metamorphism occurring at position 1 and 2.
Metamorphic Worksheet