PROCEDURE FOR ORDERING ANIMALS Animal orders are placed through BU Works by submitting an Internal Service Request (ISR). The ISR form is located under the Procurement tab in BU Works. BMC animal orders should also be placed in BU Works if possible. There is a paper order form that can be used in the event that the requester does not have a BU I/O number to charge. The paper form should be submitted to the BUASC office email: (Fax: 617-638-4055). If you are not sure which type of order you need to place, please check with your grant administrator. If you have any questions about animal ordering, please contact the BUASC office at 617-638-4086 or If you have any questions about BU Works, please contact the BU Works Power User for your department.
ORDER BY PREVIOUS THURSDAY AT NOON RODENT ORDER CUTOFFS Submit orders by the days and times listed below. Subject to availability. Please order pregnant animals and uncommon strains/ages/weights well in advance. If an order is submitted after the cutoff, the animals will be ordered for the next available delivery date. Please plan accordingly. VENDOR DELIVERY ORDER CUTOFF CHARLES RIVER TACONIC TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS ORDER BY PREVIOUS THURSDAY AT NOON FOR TUESDAY, MONDAY AT NOON FOR THURSDAY JACKSON LABS ENVIGO WEDNESDAYS ORDER BY PREVIOUS THURSDAY AT NOON
ANIMAL ORDERING: SUBMITTING AN ISR PROVIDER INFORMATION The Provider is Animal Science Center- Animal Orders Do not use Animal Science Center - Per Diems or Special Services The Contact Detail is the person submitting the ISR List both the PI in the PI/Requester Detail field Give the best telephone number and email address for BUASC to contact if there are any questions
ANIMAL ORDERING: SUBMITTING AN ISR DELIVERY INFORMATION Requested Delivery Date must be an approved delivery date for your vendor (see the animal order deadline chart) Deliver to Building/room # is where the animals will be housed
ANIMAL ORDERING: SUBMITTING AN ISR NOTE PAD Please include the following information in the Note Pad: Vendor IACUC Protocol Number USDA Pain Category For each strain being ordered: Vendor Catalog # Full Strain Code (obtained from the vendor’s website) Sex of animals Age/weight of animals Special housing instructions (if any)
ANIMAL ORDERING: SUBMITTING AN ISR CHARGE DISTRIBUTION Used only if you are splitting the charge between two or more cost objects Enter cost object numbers and percent distribution (e.g. 50/50)
ANIMAL ORDERING: SUBMITTING AN ISR REQUESTED ITEMS Each strain/sex/age or weight goes on its own line item PO quantity is the quantity of animals Order unit is “EA” (each) Net Price is the price per animal Enter cost object here (if using only one) NOTES Accurate pricing information is required You may need to contact the vendor for pricing Include a reasonable estimate of shipping (including crate) costs on a separate line item
ANIMAL ORDERING: SUBMITTING AN ISR Click “Submit” and you’re done! Please note the request number that is generated. BUASC will refer to this number if we need to contact you about your order.
BMC ANIMAL ORDERS Submit a paper order form (available on our website) Be sure to put your BMC activity number on the order BUASC will bill your activity number for the total cost of the animals
WHEN YOUR ANIMALS ARRIVE Animals will be housed in the housing location requested If any changes need to be made for operational reasons, you will be contacted by BUASC staff BUASC will not contact you unless there is a change or a problem with the order. Please check your housing location for your animals prior to contacting BUASC If you notice any problems with the animals, please contact BUASC immediately. Do not contact the vendor directly BUASC will arrange with the vendor to have the animals replaced or a refund issued, if possible. Refunds/replacements may not be possible if BUASC is not notified of the problem promptly