British CHamber of Commerce From an offline member to an online community -Democracy 2.0- Kirchberg, 13th of July 2012
Daniel Tesch Attorney-at-law CEO of ACL -Club Executive Director of ACL Services S.A. Member of the Management Council of FIA Region I Hon. Consul of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Luxembourg Professor for Marketing and International Marketing Management at MIAMI UNIVERSITY, in Luxembourg (John Dolibois Center)
Automobile Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Key Facts Non-Profit organization founded in 1932 in order to protect the interest of car owners. Member of the FIA ACL is counting more than 168.000 active members in 2011. Is delivering through ACL Services S.A. car assistance for its members and customers. 95 employees for the ACL Services S.A. 45 employees for the ACL A.s.b.l ACL is a major local actor in the mobility.
Automobile Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg History 1932 -1939: the beginning as sports and touring club 1945 -1950: developping motor sports in Luxembourg 1950-1960: the first road legislation 1960-1970: from Touring to Tourism 1970-2004: developping road assistance services 2004-2012: migration to a full mobility club.
Automobile Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Membership 51 % of the resident 18+ population have a membership. 75% of all the households have at least one membership. 4 different Memberships available: Young ACL Luxembourg Europe Monde
Automobile Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Membership
Automobile Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Benefit Membre Assistance Tourisme Mobilité Expertise Deliver and create value for the individual member is in the center of all the activities of the ACL. The value creation is around 4 axes: Assistance Tourism Mobility Expertise.
Automobile Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Road Assistance more than 39.000 delivered assistances in 2011. more than 15.000 people could be helped on spot. more than 110.000 calls handled in the call-center. more than 7200 tests performed in the diagnostic center more than 21.000 days of ClubCar in 2011.
ACL2.0 ACL 2.0 Objective Target Group - Actors Definition of the digital environment and position ACL as market reference. Implement «DEMOCRACY 2.0 » for the member on a collaborative platform Migration of a purely offline member to an “implicated” online member via social media. Use the 4 axes of member value as « leitmotif » for the migration. Target Group - Actors Members Staff 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
ACL 2.0 Assistance: APP TWITTER Tourisme: FACEBOOK Mobilité: Expertise: ACL.LU Strategy Membre Assistance Tourisme Mobilité Expertise The member in the centre will become the community The migration from an offline member to an online community is done via member implication. Member implication is equal to DEMOCRACY2.0 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
ACL 2.0 Innovation 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Mobility 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
ACL 2.0 Mobility 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
ACL 2.0 Community 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Press, politics takes position Democracy 2.0 Action Need for the Community Implication Member gives proxy Reaction Press, politics takes position Implement go real life 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Democracy 2.0 Action 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Democracy 2.0 IMPLICATION 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Democracy 2.0 IMPLICATION 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Democracy 2.0 REACTION 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
Democracy 2.0 IMPLEMENTATION 01/06/2018 Frank Schmit
2014 a new sitution in Luxembourg There is one major taxi consolidator in Luxembourg with more than 140 affiliates. The average price for a ride is 40 % under the actual price and the volume has more than doubled.. 80% of the taxis in Luxembourg respond to the ecological criteria’s of ACL. A new legislation without territorial restrictions has been voted. € 01/06/2018