P P P General properties of natural fibres Will biodegrade From renewable sources Biodegradable Recyclable Absorbent Strong Poor resistance to biological damage, e.g. Moths, mould P All natural yarns have to be processed to make them suitable to be used as yarns and fabrics. Once they are harvested they must be: Cleaned Straightened Spun into a yarn Will biodegrade P Why natural fibres are more environmentally friendly. Can be recycled P From renewable sources
Cotton Properties Think Jeans Natural Fibres and Fabrics Properties Strong Absorbent Cool and comfortable to wear Hardwearing Creases easily Durable Inexpensive Environmentally sustainable Think Jeans Really strong Hardwearing Crease easily (think about when you have just washed them) Cheap Are horrible to wear when they get wet (absorbent) Really comfortable Used for Clothing Soft furnishings Knitting yarns Disadvantages Creases easily Burns easily Shrinks
Linen Properties Think Screwed up Skirt Natural Fibres and Fabrics Very hardwearing Cool next to the skin – very comfortable Strong (stronger when wet) Highly absorbent Creases easily No drape Smooth finish Strong Hardwearing Creases really badly Doesn’t drape well Highly absorbent Really comfortable Used for Lightweight summer clothing Soft furnishings T-towels and table linen. Disadvantages Creases badly Can be expensive
Wool Think Woolly Jumper Natural Fibres and Fabrics Properties Warm Absorbent Low flammability Comfortable Does not crease easily Think Woolly Jumper Warm Comfortable Doesn’t crease easily Absorbent (takes ages to dry. Low flammability Can shrink when washed. Can be itchy Used for Warm outer wear Lightweight wool for suiting and knitwear Soft furnishings, carpets and blankets Disadvantages Can shrink when washed Takes a long time to dry Some people find wool itchy
Silk Think Wedding Dress Natural Fibres and Fabrics Properties Soft Absorbent Comfortable Cool and warm Soft, smooth sheen, lustrous finish. Drapes well Think Wedding Dress Soft Comfortable May crease easily Absorbent Cool and warm Smooth, sheen. Drapes well Can be expensive Used for Luxury clothing Soft furnishings Knitwear Disadvantages Expensive Can be weaker when wet and may not wash well. May crease easily
Think School Jumper Acrylic Synthetic Fibres and Fabrics Used for Strong but weaker when wet Shrinks from heat then burns slowly and melts Melts when burned Can be made warm, insulating and soft Used for Knitwear Toys Upholstery fabrics Socks and sportswear Disadvantages Poor absorbency
Think Fleece Polyester Synthetic Fibres and Fabrics Used for Very strong when wet Flame resistant Thermoplastic Alkali resistant Resists stretching and shrinking Recyclable Used for Wide range of textile procucts Disadvantages Poor absorbancy
Think Leggings Elastane - lycra Synthetic Fibres and Fabrics Used for Very elastic Lightweight strong Chemical and perspiration resistant Hardwearing Lycra is added to other fabrics to make them stretchy, e.g.stretch jeans are 96% cotton and 4% lycra. Think Leggings Used for Swimwear, sportswear Clothes that need extra elasticity Disadvantages Poor absorbancy
Blended fibres combine the best qualities of two or more fibres. Blended and Mixed Fibres and Fabrics Blended fibres combine the best qualities of two or more fibres. Sometimes a negative property is inherited too. Polyester Hard wearing & very strong Not absorbent - dries quickly Not very soft Doesn’t crease Doesn’t shrink Not very flammable Cotton Hard wearing & fairly strong Absorbent - dries slowly Soft Comfortable Creases easily Shrinks easily Highly flammable + = Polycotton Even stronger & hardwearing Less absorbent Resists creasing Dries faster A blended fibre is one in which two or more different fibres are spun together when the yarn is made.