GeoSciML Vocabularies Toward Semantic Interoperability Boyan Brodaric Geological Survey of Canada
Acknowledgements IUGS-CGI Concept Definitions Task Group Steve Richard (AGS/USGS—Chair) Linda Bibby (GSV) Boyan Brodaric (GSC) John Laxton (BGS) Kristine Asch (BGR) John Laurie (GA) Dominique Janjou (BRGM)
Objectives Develop standard content for GeoSciML - <Rock> - <geneticCategory> - <CGI_TermValue> <value codeSpace="urn:cgi:classifierScheme:BGS:geneticCatTerms">METAMORPHIC</value> </CGI_TermValue> </geneticCategory> - <consolidationDegree> - <CGI_TermValue> <value codeSpace="urn:cgi:classifierScheme:BGS:consolidationTerms">INDURATED</value> </CGI_TermValue> </consolidationDegree> - <lithology> - <ControlledConcept gml:id="RCS2"> <gml:name codeSpace="urn:ietf:rfc:2141">urn:cgi:classifier:BGS:RCS:METR</gml:name> <identifier codeSpace="urn:ietf:rfc:2141">urn:cgi:classifier:BGS:RCS:METR</identifier> <name xml:lang="en" codeSpace="urn:cgi:classifierScheme:BGS:RCS">METAMORPHIC ROCK</name> <vocabulary xlink:href="urn:cgi:classifierScheme:BGS:RCS" /> </ControlledConcept> </lithology> </Rock>
Purpose Semantic Interoperability with GeoSciML Map Visualization: “Sandstone” = Blue Data Query: Get “Sandstones” in N. America Data Download: USA Lithology = “Sandstone” CAD Lithology = “Sandstone”
Approach Vocabulary = concepts + terms (ontology) (ideas) (language) Concept: ‘sandstone’ Term: “sandstone” (EN), “grès” (FR), “arenaria” (IT)
Approach Definition: using properties, e.g. ‘sandstone’: geneticCategory = ‘sedimentary’ particleType = ‘grain’ grainSize = ‘fine-grained’ OR ‘phaneritic’ consolidationDegree = ‘consolidated’
Plan Compile terms needed for GeoSciML Identify key concepts, definitions, relations Assign multi-lingual terms to concepts* Place online as GeoSciML vocabulary Recommend governance structure Solicit feedback
Recommended Usage Data Query: mandatory Data Download: optional Map Visualization: ?
Status 42 vocabularies identified 22 draft vocabularies proposed (mainly EN) including Lithology and Time Scale 20 in progress (due Nov 2008) Help us draft & review defs, and add terms!
Contact Information GeoSciML Twki: (xls) GeoSciML repository: (xml) 1G portal: (xml) Chair: Steve Richard