Aaron Kosminski By: Dan Tobin Period 8
Background Born in Klodawa, in Congress Poland Born September 11, 1865 Died March 24, 1919 Father- Abram Jozef Kozminski Tailor Mother- Golda Lubnowska Emigrated from Poland to Britain in 1880 or 1881 Likely with his sisters’ families Father either died or abandoned family (did not go with them) Became a barber in Whitechapel May have only worked sporadically Possibly accepted financial aid from his sisters’ families or even lived with them Known to be insane Had been since at least 1885 Insanity diagnosed Auditory hallucinations Paranoid fear of being fed by other people (ate food off of the street) Refusal to bathe or wash
Jack the Ripper Very famous serial killer Never caught Whitechapel 1888 “Autumn Of Terror” Never caught “Foreigner, over 40 years of age, dark complexion, shabby-genteel”
Crimes Crime Date Victim Punishment Threatened sister with knife February 1891 Sister (unharmed) Incarcerated in Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum First “Ripper” murder August 31, 1888 Mary Ann Nichols Suspect (never caught) Second “Ripper” murder September 8, 1888 Annie Chapman Third “Ripper” murder September 30, 1888 Elizabeth Stride Fourth “Ripper” murder Catherine Eddowes Fifth “Ripper” murder November 9, 1888 Mary Kelly
Most recent crime (1888) Mary Kelly’s murder November 9, 1888 Kelly’s corpse discovered around 10:45 a.m. by landlord looking to collect rent Most mutilated of the “Ripper’s” corpses More time Face mutilated beyond recognition Nose, ears, and lips partially removed Doctor’s belief about killer No medical experience “In each case the mutilation was inflicted by a person who had no scientific nor anatomical knowledge. In my opinion he does not even possess the technical knowledge of a butcher or horse slaughterer or a person accustomed to cut up dead animals.” Disturbed yet? Just wait….
Evidence Lack of medical experience George Hutchinson Elizabeth Prater Kosminski was a barber George Hutchinson Man entered Kelly’s room with her around 3 a.m. Small moustache Dark hair “Jewish appearance” Fits Kosminski well Elizabeth Prater Awakened at 4 a.m. by her kitten Heard someone cry “Oh, murder!” Sarah Lewis heard it too Common phrase in Whitechapel (ignored) Kosminski’s upbringing Father dead or left Possibly abusive mother Distrust/hatred of women DNA evidence (new) Shawl from Catherine Eddowes His DNA No sentence (never caught)
Quote from Jack the Ripper From Hell Letter Letter received by head of Whitechapel Vigilance Committee Hundreds received, this one believed to be real (no “Jack the Ripper”) Half of a human kidney From hell Mr Lusk Sor I send you half the Kidne I took from one women prasarved it for you tother pirce I fried and ate it was very nise I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer. signed Catch me when you Can Mishter Lusk. From hell, Mr. Lusk, I send you half the kidney I took from one woman. I preserved it for you. The other piece I fried and ate. It was very nice. I may send you the bloody knife that took it out if you only wait a while longer. Signed, Catch me when you Can Mister Lusk.
Cultural References Books Movies Video game From Hell Historical fiction The Complete History of Jack the Ripper Non-fiction Movies “From Hell” Based on book “Hands of the Ripper” “Shanghai Knights” Jack the Ripper (comedic appearance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a26E5JR4M4A Video game “Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate” Jack the Ripper
Cultural References Songs Jack the Ripper- Clarence Stacey Scotland Yard will never catch him, he's too clever He's much too clever But if they do, man they'll catch: The Ripper! The Ripper, Jack The Ripper Well, the streets of London kinda never safe Whenever Jack The Ripper shows his face So, you pretty little girlies, take a-my advice And don't walk the streets of London late at night When he walks down the streets Every girl he meets he says; is your name Mary Kelly? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_20H2c2ebQ
Sociological theory I believe that Aaron Kosminski would fall into the behavioral theory. The Behavioral theory says that criminal behavior is learned through a person’s day-to-day experiences. Aaron Kosminski is unlikely to have had a good childhood, having been born in Poland. Poland at the time was extremely poor, with many families living in one-room houses together. At the time that Kosminski lived in Poland, the country was ruled by the Russian Empire and open anti-Semitism was practiced and endorsed. The Jewish were blamed for most problems in Russia, and law enforcement was often reluctant to help Jews during the frequent attacks that they were targeted with. This may have lead to their emigration in the 1880’s, and could likely have caused Aaron to have a great distrust of society and authority. Aaron’s father did not emigrate with the family, however, and it’s quite likely that he had either died or abandoned the family, as was quite common. This would’ve contributed to Aaron’s already unstable mental state, as he was also diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. It also could’ve lead to Aaron distrusting women, as they had a larger role in his family (mother, and two sisters,) and he may have associated his poor childhood and treatment with women because of the absence of his father. He also may have blamed his mother for his father’s leaving. Aaron Kosminski learned in Poland at a young age that Jews were responsible for most of the world’s problems, that violence towards them was not only overlooked, but encouraged, and that women had a large role in his unfortunate childhood. All of this would’ve caused strain on Aaron’s mind, and, combined with his diagnosed insanity and paranoid schizophrenia, may well have pushed him over the edge and lead to his becoming Jack the Ripper. At a young age, he learned that violence was acceptable, and even encouraged by society, and this falls under the Behavioral Theory.
THE END (good luck sleeping tonight)