Year 2 SATS Meeting 11.02.16
10 Top Tips to do at home 1. Read regularly at home with your child 2 10 Top Tips to do at home 1. Read regularly at home with your child 2. Practise spellings sent home with your child 3. Help your child to complete their homework (this will all be linked to things that will come up in the SATS tests) 4. Talk to your child about their experiences, where they have been, what they have been doing etc 5. Practise 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables
6. Help your child with everyday maths e. g 6. Help your child with everyday maths e.g. dealing with money, telling the time, reading bus time tables and reading home weighing scales 7. Practise handwriting, punctuation and spelling. You could do this by reading a short passage to your child and getting them to write it down or copying a section out of a book. 8. Play educational games on IPad or computer 9. Read a magazine or comic with your child 10. Make sure your child gets lots of rest!
Any questions?