SATs Information Evening
What are SATs? SATs - Standard Assessment Tests are completed at the end of year 2. They are used as part of the assessment of your child alongside the work they have completed in KS1. This includes the children’s books, reading records taken by the teacher during guided reading, observations and most importantly the teacher’s knowledge of your child. The tests are not used to grade your children as they move into KS2. The children will get a mark. The Department of Education will give us a conversion table once the tests have been taken. We will then convert the raw score to a national standardised score. 100 will be considered national average.
When will they take place? We will be completing the SATs papers during May. There will be the following subjects: Maths – arithmetic – Tuesday 9th May English – reading paper 1– Thursday 11th May Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling – Friday 12th May English – reading paper 2 – Tuesday 16th May Maths – reasoning – Thursday 18th May They will take place in the morning so please make sure your child is prompt. If your child is absent, they will take the paper when they are next in.
A little bit more information… Maths Arithmetic – this will be a paper focussing on the use of all four operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) to answer number sentences. They will use mental maths skills to answer the questions. To find out more information about the methods they will be using, please see the Y2 Maths Ideas on the school website. (Our curriculum – Ks1 and 2 – Y2 Maths Ideas) Reasoning – this will be a paper focussing on problem solving, shape, space and measure. They will need to use their number skills to answer some of the questions.
Reading Paper 1 – this will be a paper focussing on reading a short text and answering questions specifically linked to the text. The questions will guide the children to where they need to find the answer. Paper 2 – this will be a paper focussing on reading a longer text and answering questions in a separate booklet.
English Writing – the children will not be given a writing paper. Throughout the year, your child has written independent pieces of writing that will be used to assess your child. Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - this is optional but we have decided as a school that we would like to use this as a further piece of assessment.
What should I be doing to help my child? Make sure they eat a healthy breakfast before school. Make sure they get lots of sleep. We are going to tell the children this is special work. Please don’t tell them it is a scary test! Get some fresh air and play in the evenings!
Any questions?