Matlab Introduction
Agenda MATLAB Basics MATLAB Functions, Operators, and Commands Help, Demo MATLAB Functions, Operators, and Commands Graphics 2D graphics (plot, stem) Programming Flow Control Scripts and Functions
Matlab Basics command window command history
Matlab Basics workspace
Matlab Basics – Help Textual help >> help log LOG Natural logarithm. LOG(X) is the natural logarithm of the elements of X. Complex results are produced if X is not positive. See also log1p, log2, log10, exp, logm, reallog. Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories) help gf/log.m help distributed/log.m help fints/log.m help designdev/log.m help sym/log.m Reference page in Help browser doc log
Matlab Basics – Help Help document >> doc log
Matlab Demo >> demo
MATLAB Functions Trigonometric Functions: sin - sine sinh - hyperbolic sine asin - inverse sine asinh - inverse hyperbolic sine cos - cosine cosh - hyperbolic cosine acos - inverse cosine acosh - inverse hyperbolic cosine tan - tangent tanh - hyperbolic tangent atan - inverse tangent atan2 atanh - inverse hyperbolic tangent sec - secant sech - hyperbolic secant asec - inverse secant asech - inverse hyperbolic secant csc - cosecant csch - hyperbolic cosecant acsc - inverse cosecant acsch - inverse hyperbolic cosecant cot - cotangent coth - hyperbolic cotangent acot - inverse cotangent. acoth - inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
MATLAB Functions Exponential Functions: Complex Functions: exp - exponential log - natural logarithm log10 - common logarithm sqrt - square root Complex Functions: abs - absolute value angle - phaseangle conj - complex conjugate imag - complex imaginary part real - complex real part
Matlab Functions
Matlab Operators
Matlab Operators
Matlab Commands General purpose commands To see more type >> helpwin
Programming – Flow Control if switch and case
Programming – Flow Control for while
Programming – Flow Control continue break
Programming – Scripts and Functions