After this course you will be able to: PubMed and the Cochrane Library After this course you will be able to: Describe what makes PubMed different from other databases Use filters to refine a basic search on PubMed Use the advanced search feature on PubMed Use the Clinical Queries feature on PubMed Use the browse function on the Cochrane Library Use the basic search function on the Cochrane Library Main search box is at the top of the screen You will get suggestions for your search based on the records on the database Either press Return or click on Search to carry out your search
Using filters Once you’ve done your search you can use the filters on the left-hand side of the screen to reduce the number of your search results. You can filter by: Type of study Date of study Language of study Age groups as well as lots of other ways!
Using filters - II Here I’ve used the filters to limit my search on “Insomnia Therapy” to: Clinical Trials With full-text freely available Published in the last five years On adults aged between 19 and 44
Using Advanced Search You can find Advanced Search underneath the main search box Advanced Search allows you to: Be more specific and narrow down your results Be more flexible by building up a search strategy and combining it in different ways Look for articles in particular journals or by particular authors
Using Advanced Search - II Using Add to history to build a search Using Add to history to build your search will allow you to combine searches together to get the best results Type your search here To build a search click here NOT on the Search button!
Using Advanced Search - III You can use OR to search different terms at the same time
Using Advanced Search - IV You can use # to combine different lines from your search strategy
Click here and select ‘MeSH terms’ from the drop-down men Using MeSH terms MESH – Medical Subject Headings is the way PubMed indexes its articles You can search them by selecting them from the smaller, left-hand drop-down box Click here and select ‘MeSH terms’ from the drop-down men You can also use the drop-down boxes to search for articles from a particular journal or by a particular author
Downloading results from PubMed Downloading results is PubMed’s Achilles heel – you don’t get a nice PDF or Word document like you do with some other databases. But it IS possible 2. Click on Send To 3. Choose which option you prefer. File or E-mail are best 1. Use the tick boxes to select which articles you want to download
My NCBI You can register yourself for a My NCBI account. This allows you to: Set up alerts Add records to your bibliography See what full-text articles you can get from the JET Library
My NCBI - II You can register by clicking on the link on the log-in screen
My NCBI - III Once you have done your search you can: 3. Use Send to to create a bibliography of articles 1. Create an alert for new articles based on your search 2. See what articles are available to you locally … and if you stay logged in as yourself you can also see searches you have done previously and re-run them
The Cochrane Library - I Best place to look for systematic reviews Also contains clinical trials Compiled by volunteers from all over the world Completely free – no user-name of password needed
The Cochrane Library - II You can search using the search box in the top right-hand corner of the screen or use the Browse button to search through the different topics
The Cochrane Library - III Your results are broken down into systematic reviews done by the Cochrane group; reviews done by other groups and clinical trials – you can read the full text of all the Cochrane reviews
The Cochrane Library - IV You can also browse through the topics by subject area until you find what you are interested in
The Cochrane Library - V Downloading results from the Cochrane Library You can either click on the title of the reviews and download either the whole review or a summary - or download a list of reviews and trials to look at later To download a list: 2. Click on Export selected 3. Leave the Export type as PC and click on Export Citation 1. Select the reviews you want using the tick boxes