Lanarkshire Stroke Care – Monitors Martin Whitehead Timeline 2014 Awareness Sept 14 Biocity event: presenting the challenges Oct 15 Initiate solution identification Feb 16 Potential solution/ partner identified July 16 Testing the solution Process Increasing awareness of poor sensitivity of 24hr ECG monitor for the detection of PAF/AF and impact on cost (both financially and socially.) Presented challenge for more effective PAF/AF detection to Biocity Innovations Event. Followed by review of current state of market with SHIL to identify potential partner(s) for development of solutions Began to work with Medical Devices Unit, Glasgow on identifying and testing potential prototype solutions Established that Isansys own a solution that performs many of the required activities. With some adjustments it could provide the full range required. First patient trials initiated and data collected for analysis What next? Gather data from multiple patients – inpatient and outpatient - to remove “wrinkles” and troubleshoot and develop robust process. Estimated to be complete by August 16 Obtain ethics approval and structure a trial, within NHS Lanarkshire initially, to compare new v old PAF/AF detection processes. Anticipated start date October/November 2016 For more information contact: Clinical lead: