It’s Banking. But not as we know it GABV Human Capital Els Verhagen Lara Pawlak
Objective of the Human Capital Track The mission of the Human Capital Working Group is to provide leadership on human capital management that will enable member banks to meet the challenges of growth while delivering on our commitments to people, planet and profit in everything we do. “To develop the next generation of sustainable bankers.” (March 2012, Vancouver) HOW: Create learning and engagement opportunities across member banks: As a resource for each bank individually As a learning network across the GABV
Results 2015/16 Launch of the Leadership Academy (19 participants, 4 modules) Launch of the MOOC HR meetings: March 2015 (Credit Coopertif), October 2015 (Southern Bankcorp) Monthly peer-learning and coordination calls Fellowships between GABV member banks (3 exchanges in governance, legal/regulatory) Experimentation with shared ideas e.g. performance management, well-being, diversity engagement
Going forward Expand the HR group Annual GABV Leadership Academy Create more tools for knowledge creation and dissemination Annual MOOC with hubs Ongoing fellowship program Capacity Building Program with Enclude partners
Peer Expertise Network: Rationale The Global Alliance for Banking on Values seeks to build a global movement of bankers and consumers who recognize the critical importance of sustainable, values-based banking. Enclude supports inclusive, sustainable growth in developing economies, using as a primary vehicle its work with banks to expand financing of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Together GABV member banks and Enclude can create peer-based learning opportunities, connecting dynamic development-oriented bankers in economies across the globe, and expanding awareness of values-driven banking.
Peer Expertise Network: Concept Enclude would offer volunteer consulting opportunities in developing countries, as part of ongoing project engagements, for staff of GABV member banks. 1-2 weeks in country plus prep and follow up Bankers work with Enclude’s professional consultants on capacity building projects Defined Scopes of Work and deliverables Enclude handles logistics Project funds cover most travel & local lodging
Typical Types of Consulting Projects Expand access to financial services for small businesses and consumers Design new products Assess market segments, opportunity, strategy Alternative Delivery Channels Credit Savings Evaluate & enhance risk management Align HR practices with organizational development & strategy! Find efficiencies, streamline operating processes