Levels of Organization Biology
Biosphere Ecosystems Communities Populations Organism/Individual Organs Cells Organelles Polymers Molecules Atoms
Levels of Organization
Atom Atom: Smallest unit of matter Ex: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Molecule Molecule: Group of atoms bonded together Ex: Carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H20), carbohydrate (C6H12O6)
Polymer Polymer: Chain of repeating molecule units linked together Ex: starch, proteins, DNA/RNA
Atoms, Molecules & Polymers
Organelles Organelle: Specialized structure inside a cell with a specific function / job Ex: Nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes http://namrataheda.blogspot.com/2013/01/cell-organelles-dicoverers.html
Cell Cell: Smallest unit of life Ex: Nerve cells, muscle cells, skin cells
Organ Organ: Structure made of tissues required for living Ex: Brain, heart, kidney, pancreas, leaf
Organism Organism: A single living thing (plant, animal, fungi, bacteria, protists) Ex: Human, bacterium, algae, naked mole rat
Population Population: All members of a specific organism (one species) in a specified area Ex: the number of marmots on Mt. Rainier
Community Community: All populations (different species) of organisms in a specified area Ex: all of the trees, insects, birds, mammals, etc. on Mt. Rainier
Ecosystem Ecosystem: A specific area where biotic and abiotic factors interact Ex: the Mt. Rainier community plus the air, water, soil, etc.
Biosphere Biosphere: All ecosystems on a planet Ex. Earth