PAS DE PANIQUE! THIS WORK WILL NOT BE GRADED! SUMMER WORK For your 1st lesson Present one item of news, written in French telling me about ONE of the following newsworthy things that has happened in i) your home ii) your town and iii) your country over the summer. Your story should be about 100 words long, in the past tense and imagine it is for a newspaper! Remember you only have to write about one of the items. PAS DE PANIQUE! THIS WORK WILL NOT BE GRADED! In English, please write a bullet point summary of what aspect of GCSE French grammar you found most difficult and want to get sorted immediately.
SUMMER WORK For your 1st lesson In readiness for the topics you will be covering for your first year, please complete some research on the following topic areas:- The changing nature of the family in France/or/and the Francophone world. The “cyber society” in France/or/and the Francophone world. The role of voluntary work in France/or/and the Francophone world.
SUMMER WORK For your 1st lesson Remember to keep on top of your grammar. A great site is Languages online, which is free. Focus in particular on the present, past and future tenses. covers some of the topic areas. Remember it is A level material!