Testing of SC Magnets Status - November 2010 A.Stafiniak, C.H.Schroeder, C.Mühle MAC -4 1st December 2010 A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
100% SIS100 & 100% SuperFRS & String SIS100 tested at GSI Testing Options 100% SIS100 & 100% SuperFRS & String SIS100 tested at GSI 10-30% SIS100 & String SIS100 tested at GSI External testing 90-70% SIS100 & 100% SuperFRS CERN, KIT, … A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
Testing Strategy vs. Accepted Risk risk level to be considered outside support expensive 100% tested by FAIR/GSI/others/Responsible for Machine Commissioning @cold/working conditions X% tested by FAIR/GSI/others/Responsible for Machine Commissioning @cold/working conditions Risk Assessment 0% tested by Manufacture @cold/working conditions 100% tested by Manufacture @cold/working conditions not possible or more expensive A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
SC Magnets for Testing SC Magnets for FAIR Pre-Series Series Production SIS100 String Short: 2xD, 1xQD, 1xFiC, 1xFL, 1xFB,1xCLB Long: +1xD,+2xQD,+1xCL, +1xBVCh SuperFRS 1x pre-Triplet (+components) 1x pre-Dipole SuperFRS 31+(<6)x Multiplets 22 x Triplets 3Quad(2ShortQ+Oct, 1LongQ) 1…4correctors 9x ‘Special’ Multiplets 1xShort Quad+ Octupole; 1xSteerer; 1xHexapole =71xQuad+96correctors 24+(4)x Dipoles SIS100 1x pre-Quadrupole Doublet (+components) 1x pre-Dipole SIS100 109+(?)x Dipoles 86 +(?)x Quadrupole Doublets 2xQuad, 1…3xcorrectors =171xQuad+144(240)xcorrectors A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
SIS100 Roadmap Contradictions A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
String Test* – Goals proving of : stability of the local cryogenic systems (including current leads and current lead box) integration of systems (cryogenic, electrical, electronic, mechanic) interconnection design and assembly mechanical stability of all systems in the string power supply systems functionality of the safety interlock system proving of all control-loops behaviour demonstrating of : efficiency of the cryogenic system efficiency of quench detection and magnet protection system improving the quality assurance for : production and commissioning (technical specification and procedures) assembly techniques (tools and procedures) gain experience solving problems during commissioning A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010 * ‘All systems which were not tested in LHC Strings failed!’
String SIS100 Current Leads Box Feed-box Short String Cold Link Feed Line Feed in Cryostat Beam Vacuum Chamber Dipole Quadrupole Doublet A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
SIS100 Testing Scenarios vs. Schedule B A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
Topics to be discussed Testing strategy in given conditions. Testing 100% or only 20-40% magnets (units) at cold. Testing 0…100% of components at cold. Recommended number of spare components vs. chosen strategy. String SIS100 as a Quality Assurance milestone. Recommended strategy for String SIS100. A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010
Thank You for Your Attention A.Stafiniak at el. 1.12.2010