TQtwentyone OVERARCHING OUTCOME PREDICTIVE FACTORS MEASURES Empowering people to live enriched interdependent lives Information and Advice Carers/family/ friends circle of support Information to enable choices Access to advocacy and advice Active and supportive communities Circle of support and person centred plan Accessibility of community resources e.g.: transport, leisure Satisfaction with housing provision Spending time in a way that he/she wishes Stigma /understanding of need Flexible Integrated care and support Fair access to healthcare Liaison service (acute) in place Accessible information on inpatient journey Health action plans Choice of appropriate housing Multi-agency assessment , risk assessment and risk taking Person centred plan in place Full provision of support package Access to crisis support when needed Workforce Support workers recruited to meet client needs Trained and motivated staff Staffing flexible to client changing needs Risk enablement Accessible and adapted living environment Agree outcomes and goals with individual Staff raise concerns openly, fair no blame culture Safeguarding Carer feels involved in planning Relevant support plan & risk assessment Monitoring and review of risk and personalised care plan Personal budgets Finance support and money MEASURES