Craters Bowl-shaped geological formation @ top of volcano SP Crater Flagstaff, Arizona
Calderas Formed by violent explosion that collapses into a depression* Nearly circular Size > 1 km diameter Width ~ 5 miles Average depth - 1150 ft. Crater Lake Oregon
Olympus Mons, Mars
Santa Ana Volcano: El Salvador Crater & Calderas
Plateau Plateau formed by volcanic activity Lava or Pyroclastic
Volcanic Pipe (Necks) Volcanic necks are resistant vents left standing after erosion has removed the volcanic cone Ship Rock, New Mexico Devil’s Tower, Wyoming
Volcanic Hazards: Lava Flows Basaltic lava can travel from 10 -30 mph Lava with higher % of silica will move slower
Volcanic Hazards: Pyroclastics Rocks of variable sizes from 2 mm > 1 m Ash to boulder size
Volcanic Hazards: Pyroclastic Flows Nuée ardente – ash, hot gas, & volcanic fragments Hot, > 1,000°C Fast, > 250 km/hour
Volcanic Hazards: Lahars Flow of mud, rock & water Fast > 30-65 km/hr Destroys just about everything in its path.
Volcanic Hazards: Toxic Gases 90% of gas emitted is Water Vapor Carbon dioxide (CO2), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), fluorine (F). Can result in Acid Rain CO2 is heavier than “air”, get trapped & can suffocate people & animals. Fluorine ingested by animals
Active Volcanoes @least 1 eruption < 10,000 yrs. ~1500 currently, ~500 within the last 3000 yrs. (written history) Mt. St. Helens Washington Mt. Etna Italy
Dormant Volcanoes Dormant: active volcano that is not erupting, but could erupt again Mt. Rainier (1894) Mt. Fuji (1707) Mauna Kea, Hawaii (~1000 BCE)
Extinct last eruption > 10,000 years & not expected to erupt again (~79 MYA) Pilot Knob Austin, TX