Beth Shields & Lisa Bach, School Counselors Growth Mindset books will be up. Have parents take the 20 Q Self assessment 3- 4 min Lisa Beth Shields & Lisa Bach, School Counselors
Intelligence Discuss what it means. BETH
What are the Mindsets? Show Mindset book- staff members have read this book ; We are on our 3rd year of implementation ; language we are using is more consistent Beth
Why does it matter? LISA
If it is the norm to be praised for intelligence and talent, the minute they encounter an obstacle their confidence drops-LISA
Which mindset do you believe to be closest to yours? Sorting Activity Which mindset do you believe to be closest to yours? Your children? BETH
review answers-Beth
What would you do? Libby (9 years old) was on her way to her first gymnastics competition. Long-limbed, flexible and energetic, she was just right for gymnastics, and she loved it. She was a little nervous about competing, but she was good at gymnastics and felt confident about doing well. She had even thought about the perfect place in her room to place the trophy she would win. In the first event, the floor exercises, Libby went first. Although she did a good job, the scoring changed after the first few girls and she lost. Libby also did well in the other events, but not well enough to win. By the end of the evening, she had received no trophies and was devastated. -Lisa---
What would you do if you were Libby’s parents? 1. Tell Libby that you thought she was the best. 2. Tell her she was robbed of a trophy that was rightfully hers. 3. Re-assure her that gymnastics is not that important. 4. Tell her that she has the ability, she did her best, but that you understand that she is disappointed. 5. Tell her that she will definitely win next time. LISA
Helping your Child Deal with Mistakes, Failure, and Disappointment Accept your mistakes. Make mistakes a normal part of the learning process. Share personal examples of mistakes and how you dealt with them. Model positive ways to handle your mistakes. Disappointment is OK. Be upset if you need to be, but move on. Use calming strategies, take a break, and revisit later. Celebrate efforts-not outcomes. Play games. Allow your child opportunities to deal with not winning. Ask “What was your favorite mistake today?” Lisa
Fixed Mindset Labels Smart Cute Great Fast Best Pretty Well-behaved Amazing The best Better than………………….. Fixed Mindset Labels Carol Dweck has also proven that we can change the mindset of our learners. - BETH
“Look at that drawing! Is he the next Picasso or what?” What children hear “Look at that drawing! Is he the next Picasso or what?” Child hears I shouldn’t try drawing anything hard or they’ll see I’m not very good. Beth
Praise Effort, Perseverance, Motivation and Strategies – Praise the Process Well done – you’re learning to ……………….. Good – it’s making you think – that’s how your brain is growing! Every time you practice, you’re making the connections in your brain stronger. Be brave. Have another go. Maybe this time you could…….. You’ve worked hard on this and you’ve succeeded because of…..x,y,z (success criteria) That picture has so many beautiful colors. Tell me about them. You can use this mistake. Think about why it didn’t work and learn from it. 3 Ways Parents can Instill a Growth Mindset Our language tells children what we believe and what we value.-Beth
Teach our children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning “This is hard. What fun!” “This is too easy. It’s no fun.” Mistakes “ Ooooh, here’s an interesting mistake. What should we do next?” Effort “That was a fantastic struggle. You really stuck to it and made great progress.” Learning “ Tell me how you did this.” Have learning conversations. Take time for parents and children to share what they’ve learned that day. Beth
I can --- statements _Beth
Growth Mindset Books The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper The Dot, by Peter Reynolds The Most Magnificent Thing, by Ashley Spires Beautiful Oops, by Barney Salzberg Giraffes Can’t Dance, by Giles Andreae The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes, by Mark Pett Beth & Lisa
Please complete the Post-Presentation Survey & take the Growth Mindset Worksheets home for more practice with your family! Beth