Sharing Information Safely
Amy and her friend Emily have fallen out. Emily has sent Amy a text. How could she?
How could Emily text those awful things about me?
Later… Now she’s sent a horrible picture of me that she must have taken at the party a few weeks ago!
… it seems she’s copied it to all her friends!
What should Amy do now?
This is what Amy should do She should: Tell a responsible adult that she is being cyber-bullied. Ask her parents to get in touch with the phone company and ask them to block the calls. She should NOT: Reply to the messages, as this could make things worse. Delete the text messages. They are evidence!
Threats! Unkind Photos! Bad Jokes! Lies! Cyber-bullying is an especially nasty form of bullying because it can follow children into their homes outside school hours, and even when they’re on holiday. Threats! Unkind Photos! Bad Jokes! Lies!
Facebook My name is Jack. I am 16 years old. My address is 12, South Street, Edinburgh EH6 3DY. My tel no. is 07918 238811
Great …. I’ve found a new friend on the internet! Facebook Hi Jack, You sound really fun. Shall we meet up? I think we could be good friends. Alex
What advice do you have for Jack?
What did Jack do wrong? He posted personal information on the internet. You should not share your address or telephone number online with people you don’t know! She appears to be about to arrange a meeting with a stranger who she has met online. Alex could be anyone!
Cyber-bullies can send their messages to a lot of people at lightning speed
Callum has just received a text from one of his mates Callum has just received a text from one of his mates. The text has a photo of one of Cullum's other friends doing something embarrassing. The message asks Callum to pass the message on to as many people as he can!
What should Callum do?
The same thing you would do whenever you become aware that someone is being bullied! REPORT IT to a trusted adult. Don’t pass on the message to other people – this will make things worse. How would you feel if the embarrassing picture was of you?
Glossary Cyberspace – global computer network Cyber-bullying – use of technology, e.g. the internet or a mobile phone, to deliberately hurt, humiliate, or threaten someone Social network sites – sites that help people connect to each other (e.g. MySpace, Facebook, Bebo)