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Modernity Postmodernity Urbanization Age of Literacy The universal subject (alienation of the modern subject) Multiculturalism (voice of “the other”) Industrialization / Machine Age; Bourgeois Age (power based in Capitalism) Deindustrialization; Multinational corporatism Urbanization Suburbanization Nationalism; colonialism / imperialism Globalism; decolonization Age of Literacy Image culture / Society of the spectacle

Tenets of Postmodernism 1) Extreme self-reflexivity: Examples: Self-reflexivity: a term applied to literary works that openly reflect upon their own processes of artful composition. Such self‐referentiality is frequently found in modern works of fiction that repeatedly refer to their own fictional status (see metafiction). The narrator in such works, and in their earlier equivalents such as Sterne's Tristram Shandy (1759–67), is sometimes called a ‘self‐conscious narrator’. Self‐reflexivity may also be found often in poetry. In postmodern architecture, this effect is achieved by keeping visible internal structures and engineering elements (pipes, support beams, building materials, etc.) Frank Gehry, Nationale-Nederlanden Building

Tenets of Postmodernism 2) irony and parody  Connected to the former point, is the tendency of postmodern artists, theorists, and culture to be playful or parodic. (Warhol and Lichtenstein are, again, good examples.) Pop culture and media advertising abound with examples; indeed, shows or films will often step outside of mimetic representation altogether in order to parody themselves in mid-stride. DROWNING GIRL Roy Lichtenstein (1963)

Tenets of Postmodernism A breakdown between high and low cultural forms: 200 Campbell’s Soup Cans Andy Warhol (1962)

Tenets of Postmodernism 4) Nostalgia: - pastiche: - Examples: Modernists interested in creating an original form.

Tenets of Postmodernism 5) Visuality (visuals, pictures) vs. temporality (linear time):

Illusions of individuality “The transformation of reality into images…” –Frederic Jameson Illusions of individuality Sense of fragmentation and decentered self;  multiple, conflicting identities. Hyper-reality, image saturation, simulacra seem more powerful than the "real"; images and texts with no prior "original".  "As seen on TV" and "as seen on MTV" are more powerful than unmediated experience. (HYPER)REALITY “The Treachery of Images” (1929) Surface/aesthetic (pomo) more important than depth (mod) RENÉ MAGRITTE

It’s Pomo… You know, Post-modern… Weird for the sake of weird. (Episode “Homer the Moe”) Questions of truth and subjectivity first proposed in Modernism, gave rise to the belief in multiple truths and multiple subjectivities in Postmodernism.

Tenets of Postmodernism 6) Late capitalism: Progress does not = positive

Tenets of Postmodernism 7) Disorientation:  alternating narrators (Faulkner)  fragmented chronology (Vonnegut) Dr. Who

Tenets of Postmodernism 8) Secondary Orality:  Reversal of literacy rates: