How might imperialism result from nationalism?
Founder of the De Beers Mining Company. “I think what God would like me to do is paint as much of Africa British Red as possible.” -Cecil Rhodes, Founder of the De Beers Mining Company. Imperialism
"…They resemble us, but in appearance are the colour of pumpkin-porridge… They are rude of manners and without any graces or refinement. They carry a long stick of fire. With this they kill and loot from many nations." -Zulu impression of first white men, taken from Zulu epic poem.
“When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.” - Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1984
Imperialism The extension of a nation’s power over other lands.
Why did Europe lead the way in imperialism in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? Nationalism = European nations, such as France, Great Britain, Germany, and Italy became unified and wanted to build up their nations through industrialization. Industrialization = required more natural resources to power their industries. European nations began to look to other continents for a fresh supply of resources.
What were the effects of late 19th century and early 20th century imperialism? Competition between European nations for control of Africa and Asia. In Africa this competition for land became known as the “Scramble for Africa.” The spread of European ideals (language, religion, political and economic control) throughout the world. The idea of Social Darwinism served as an “excuse” for expansion. Social Darwinists argued that social progress came from “the struggle for survival” as the “fit”- the strong- advanced while the weak declined. Resistance to imperialism by colonized nations = the outbreak of armed conflicts (Boer War, Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion) and rise of nationalism.
Wars of Imperialism Those who resisted 19th Century European Imperialism Cause Outcome BOXER REBELLION Who were the Boxers? A groups of farmers in northern China Created a secret society known as the "Righteous and Harmonious Fists", called the "Boxers" by Western press. Members of the secret society practiced boxing (hence the nickname, the "Boxers") which they believed would make them impervious to bullets. Boxers wanted to rid China of all foreign influence By late 1899, Boxers were massacring Christian missionaries and Chinese Christians. An international force of 2,100 American, British, Russian, French, Italian, and Japanese soldiers were sent to subdue the "rebellion." Boxers were defeated The Boxer Rebellion weakened the Chinese empress (couldn’t defeat the imperialists) and hastened the Republican Revolution of 1911 that overthrew the boy emperor and made China a republic 8
WAR Cause Outcome OPIUM WARS Background: By the 1830's, the English had become the major drug-trafficking criminal organization in the world The British grew opium in India, then shipped tons of opium into China, which it traded for Chinese manufactured goods and for tea. This trade had produced, quite literally, a country filled with drug addicts. The Chinese finally grew tired of the effect a society addicted to opium, was having. War broke out when Chinese ships attempted to turn back English merchant vessels, carrying opium, in November of 1839; The English then sent warships in June of 1840. The Chinese, with old-style weapons and artillery, were no match for the British gunships. Finally, in 1842, the Chinese were forced to agree to a peace treaty, which favored the British= 1. All British citizens would be subjected to British, not Chinese, law if they committed any crime on Chinese soil. 2. No restrictions were placed on British trade, and, as a consequence, opium trade more than doubled in the three decades following the treaty. 9
Boers lost the war to the British Cause Outcome BOER WAR Background: The Boers (Dutch farmers) came to South Africa in the 1600s. They discovered gold and diamonds The British came to South Africa in the 1800s. They wanted the resources the Dutch possessed. War broke out The British set up concentration camps where thousands of women, children as well as Africans died because of malnutrition. Boers lost the war to the British Boers also lost thousands of women and children from the concentration camps. Thousands of native Southern Africans lost their lives 10
Imperialism in Africa and Asia Dominated by Europe Christianity missionaries sent to “civilize the uncivilized” through Christianity “Take up the White Man’s burden— Send forth the best ye breed— Go send your sons to exile To serve your captives' need To wait in heavy harness On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half devil and half child” Excerpt from Rudyard Kipling’s, “The White Man’s Burden: The United States & The Philippine Islands, 1899.” The Journal, Detroit, 1923.
The Suez Canal was completed by the French in 1869 to connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. American opening of Japan to trade. As European nations raced to claim land in Africa, conflict arose. To settle these conflicts, European nations met in Berlin, Germany in 1884. This meeting became known as the Berlin Conference.
Forms of Imperialism Colonies: refers to a settlement of people living in a territory controlled by a parent or foreign country by trade and direct government control. (example: the British in South Africa) Protectorates: refers to a political unit that depends on another government for its protection. (example: Vietnam to France) Spheres of Influence: refers to an area in which a foreign power has been granted exclusive rights and privileges, such as trading rights and mining privileges. (example: Germany in China)
What examples of imperialism exist today?
Imperialism Review 1. What does the term imperialism refer to? 2. Why did Europe emerge as the major imperialist power of the 1800s? 3. Describe 2 effects of imperialism in the 19th and 20th century. 4. What are the 3 most significant forms of imperialism?