Transition to Year 1 at Milverton
Class Organisation September 2016 The school has a fixed admission number of 45 children per year group The school has decided to work with two single age classes in Reception Mixed age classes are a feature of phases (1/2, 3/4 and 5/6) through the school BW or DB
Class Organisation September 2015 Reception 2 single age classes (2 full time Teaching Assistants) Year 1 and 2 One Year 1 and One Year 2 class One mixed age class of both Year 1/2 children (Each class has Teaching Assistant every morning – additional support linked to need and intervention plans) Year 3 and 4 3 mixed age classes (3 ability groups for daily numeracy teaching) (TA support linked to need and intervention plans – reviewed termly) Year 5 and 6 BW and DB
LOTS OF THOUGHT GOES INTO MAKING A DECISION! To create: 1 Year 1 Class, 1 Year 2 Class, 1 mixed age Year 1/2 Class LOTS OF THOUGHT GOES INTO MAKING A DECISION! Criteria for decisions: Children’s ability in Numeracy and/or Letters and Sounds Social groups Children’s ‘general’ ability and attitude to learning Age/maturity Aiming for: classes that ‘work’, have good social/gender mix and narrow the range of ability. Planning will be exactly the same – differentiated to meet the needs of every child. Teachers using their professional judgement – need to be trusted. Once class lists issued then no changes will be made - the school will of course listen to any concerns/queries and will monitor these closely into the new year. BW and DB
2 Year Cycle Children work in KS1 on a 2 year cycle of learning (year 1 and year 2). Lessons are taught creatively to the child’s need not year groups through differentiation. Helen and Jo
2 Year Cycle There are 10 science topics, there are 6 topics of art, DT, History, Geography. These topics have been carefully organised in to a 2 year plan, so that by the end of the infants all the children will have covered the same topics. Some children will meet them in year 1 and some in year 2. Helen and Jo
Here is an example of where children may meet topics 2 Year Cycle Here is an example of where children may meet topics Autumn 1 Cycle A Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Science Seasonal Changes Animals Plants Every day materials (Properties) (grouping) Cycle B Spring (suitability and changing) Animals including humans Plants life cycles Living things and habitats Helen and Jo
Similarities Active learning, cross curricular lessons Continue with Oxford Reading Tree and Bug Club texts Home learning Transition project: Last 2 weeks of summer term in reception children’s learning is based on a story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. In Year 1 children continue this topic. Letter and sounds – same format Word tins changes to spellings (still linked to L + S) Nicola and Louise
Differences The curriculum changes from EYFS to National Curriculum. Slightly more structure to the day in Year 1, children will still be actively learning through play however the children may not label this as play. Increased expectations in terms of independence. Increased concentration needed on task. Larger class sizes. TA support used in mornings and for extra interventions in afternoon. Moving to more formal recording methods. Fung
End of Year expectations The new curriculum means that children at the end of Year One will be assessed as ‘having met the standard’ or ‘not having met the standard’ In reading, mathematics and writing
End of Year expectations The standard is much higher than 2 years ago. Children will be expected to form all letters and numbers correctly. Those that cannot do not meet the standard. They should also hold a pencil with correct grip. Knowledge of number bonds to 20 must also be secure.
Please help yourself to some ideas leaflets to help your child over the school holidays. (These will be available from your child’s reception teacher if you have not been able to make the meeting.)
Any questions?