‘What would it be like to be beside the seaside?’ Year 1 Autumn Term Literacy ICT This half term we will be looking at and writing our own report texts and reading and writing poetry linked in with this half terms learning challenge ‘What would it be like to be beside the seaside?’ As part of this half term’s learning challenge we will be using ICT for research into the topic of the seaside. We will look at websites of interest as well as photographs of what the seaside was like in the past. Numeracy Science This half term we will be revisiting all areas of numeracy including counting, partitioning and calculating, securing number and understanding shape, handling data and measures and calculating. This half term we will be looking at living things in their environment such as plants and animals as part of our topic on the seaside. We will also consider and investigate which materials will float and sink. Music R.E Year 2 Summer Term 1 This half term we will be exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics. We will also learn topic related songs based on the seaside. In RE this half term our topic is called ‘Nobody’s fault’. It explores the theme of suffering and how people deal with this. It looks at the issues of accident and blame and talks about the fact that sometimes it simply is no-one’s fault such as in the case of a natural disaster. PSHE ART In PSHE this half term the children will be talking about how they can help others as well as how they can ask for help themselves . They will also be looking at road safety and drugs and their uses in the context of keeping safe. This term the children will be working in groups to make a collage using various materials to reflect the topic of the seaside. Humanities P.E As part of the topic ‘What would it be like to be beside the seaside?’ we will be studying what the seaside used to be like in comparison to today and also comparing our locality with the contrasting locality of a seaside town. This half term we will be exploring dance linked to our topic and incorporating spinning, twisting and turning into our work. In games we will develop our striking and fielding and tennis skills. Learning Challenge 5: ‘What would it be like to be beside the seaside?’
Seaside Topic Vocabulary beach waves sea bay cliff shingle pebble sand shell rock pool sand dunes promenade pier harbour boat ferry yacht float sink buoy lifeguard sandcastle souvenir deckchair windbreak Punch and Judy lighthouse sunbathing swimming bucket spade ice cream ice lolly