A Community Wide Approach to Promoting Early Numeracy Docklands Early Numeracy Project Dr. Josephine Bleach and Catriona Flood
Docklands Early Numeracy Project Objectives To improve the educational outcomes for children in the Docklands in numeracy To increase parental involvement in their children’s development, learning and education by providing a variety of on-going supports for parents of young children. To support early childhood care and education workforce in implementing Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework and Síolta, The Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education To ensure continuity and progression in Mathematical learning for children moving from home to early years settings to the local schools
Programme Activities Working Group meeting (start and end of each term- teachers and ECCE practitioners come together and plan the programme, some ECCE Practitioners are also local parents) Numeracy training for ECCE Practitioners- each term Numeracy talks for Parents- each term Early Numeracy Activity Week (Curriculum Priorities)- each term Numeracy based activities in ECCE settings and infant classes in schools Home based early numeracy activities go home with all children in Docklands (0-6 years old) Consortium meetings (start and end of year) for ECCE Managers and School Principals *(in each setting during Numeracy Week) Working Group Meeting Numeracy talks for Parents Curriculum Priority (Numeracy Week) Curriculum Priority Events * NEYAI Síolta/Aistear Workshops for Practitioners (CPD) Storytelling Sessions
Positional Language November 2011- Parent
Symbols in the Environment May 2014- Parents
Shape and Space March 2012- ECCE Practitioners
Money February 2014-Teachers
The numeracy concepts of children in the Docklands have improved
Summary Number Measures Shape Maths Skills Mental Maths Total Std NEYAI Centres (6 months younger) 67% 79% 84% 83% 20% 73% Non NEYAI Centres 86% 82% 90% 85% 40% Delta 19% 3% 6% 2% 11% Numeracy concepts of children in the Docklands appear to be on a par with South Dublin
Successes Challenges Relationships with stakeholders- trust and openness Fine-tuning communication with ECCE services Home and Setting element working well Time- meetings, planning and adaptation Working Group- Attendance, enthusiasm & creativity of Practitioners at ground level- ECCE & Primary Collecting feedback from parents- facing these challenges by- feedback, flexibility, leading to improvement, strength Working group nominee and Consortium support No final answers – answers transform into new questions (Mc Niff 2010) Awareness of Early Numeracy concepts raised Adapting to the demands of the external evaluation
Conclusions/ Recommendations Continuous process of community action research. Genuine community involvement in decision process is crucial (through Working Group and Consortium Meetings). Multiple methods for parents to engage with (workshops, activity cards, and Curriculum Priority events in schools and ECCE Settings). Community wide focus on numeracy fosters multi-sectoral working, involvement of parents, curriculum planning and better numeracy outcomes for children.
Contact Details: Dr. Josephine Bleach Director Josephine. bleach@ncirl Contact Details: Dr. Josephine Bleach Director Josephine.bleach@ncirl.ie 4498639 Catriona Flood Project Coordinator Catriona.flood@ncirl.ie 4498544