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Presentation transcript:

Carnival of the Animals ICT ART & DESIGN PSHE & C SCIENCE GEOGRAPHY We shall continue with the terms core values. Caring for our local environment and it’s wildlife To think about the process of growing from young to old and how people's needs and feelings change. SCIENCE To observe the seasonal changes - Winter name and identify common animals – birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles etc to learn how they adapt to their environment and how they depend on each other name, draw label parts of human body and investigate our senses describe life cycle of bird describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals. ART & DESIGN To use oil pastels and look at the work of Franz Marc Using collage effects for camouflage Portraits – use of thick and thin lines Fruit printing MUSIC Songs about ourselves and animals Camille Saint‐Saëns - Carnival of the animals Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf GEOGRAPHY -mapping skills -St. David – Wales St. Patrick – Ireland DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Making a healthy fruit salad Investigating what we can use from the garden or other countries? Health and safety issues when preparing food Textiles – sewing animals LITERACY Creating our own fantasy stories Writing instructions for DT work Poetry Labels and captions for animals Stories from familiar settings Carnival of the Animals R.E ‘Why are some stories special? Retelling bible stories Understanding their meaning to Christians and to us today. Festivals – Easter ICT Using videos, CD’s to research information on animals Bee bots – How machines need to be given instructions to make things happen. instructions Continuing with our keyboard and mouse skills MATHS Consolidation of number first to 20 and then 100 Introduce place value calculation + - x ÷ Halving and doubling Data handling Time – o’clock Capacity, weight, PE Games – learn basic skills and small apparatus Gymnastics – explore body shape and different types of movements including the use of apparatus. Dance – using animals movements as a feature PE is twice a week, so please make sure your child’s kit is in school for the whole week. For outdoor games, children need long tracksuit bottoms or leggings and suitable footwear and for indoor P.E, black shorts and a white T-shirt. Please label with their name. Don’t forget to sign your child’s reading record at least 3 times a week so they can move onto the next star in our class ‘Reading Challenge’ Show and Tell will be on a Monday so this is the day for bringing their bigger toys, please remember it is pocket size toys for the rest of the week