Understanding and Managing Behaviour in the Workplace CRM Consulting Understanding and Managing Behaviour in the Workplace
Understanding Behaviour in the Workplace “We hire people for their technical skills We fire them for their behavioural faults” Financial Times
Uses of Behavioural Information Internal/External recruitment Career management (for the individual) Succession planning (for the organisation) Organisation restructuring/planning Training needs and analysis Identifying stress and dissonance Team building Self awareness and personal development Sales team motivating Leadership Motivation Appraisals Outplacement Benchmarking Performance Management Strategic Planning Counselling
Profile Factors D - Dominance I - Influence S - Steadiness C - Conformity
D = Dominance Dominating Demanding Driving Direct Self-Starter Decisive Forceful Assertive Venturesome Inquisitive Competitive Blunt Loves a challenge. May be considered restless by some. Always ready for competition. When something is at stake, it brings out the best in him/her. Has respect for authority and responsibility. Aims high and wants his/her authority to be accepted at face value. If challenge is not present, this person may stir up trouble. Will work long hours, especially to overcome tough situations. Very results orientated.
The HI-D Manager Competitive Results oriented Can work under pressure and also apply it Decisive Direct and straight forward Needs to be active Does not avoid responsibilities Moves quickly and energetically Probable Strengths
Adjective List High D Low D Note: * indicates consistent characteristics High D Demanding * Assertive * Competitive * Direct * Driving * Forceful * Inquisitive * Self-starter Aggressive Blunt Daring Decisive Dominating Egocentric Overbearing Self-assured Self-indulging Venturesome Low D * Indecisive Conservative * Mild * Intoxicating Fearful * Hesitant Modest Humble Self-sacrificing Intimidated Unpretentious Meek Unobtrusive Peaceful Over-cautious Timid Unassuming Unsure
D = Dominance Focus: Power Key Words Active Favourable Antagonistic Passive D = Dominance Focus: Power Key Words (hi): Driving, Competitive, Forceful, Inquisitive, Direct, Self-starter, Assertive (lo): Mild, Indecisive, Non-demanding, Hesitant Communicating Style: Tell Managerial Style: Autocratic Motivators: Power/control to achieve Tangible Goals Avoidance Factors: Failure Question: What? Engages: Force of Character
High Dominance Values to the Organisation Responds well to a variety of challenges Good initiator of action Very results orientated Makes decisions Questions the status quo Reduces costs Good problem solver Enjoys responsibility and takes authority Good trouble shooter Ventures into the unknown - daring
High Dominance Potential Limitations May overstep prerogatives Impatient and restless Inspires fear in others May listen but doesn’t hear Blunt and even sarcastic Insensitive to others feelings Over-rides people Inattentive to little things Initiator not a finisher Actively avoids routine work Resists participation as part of a team.
I = Influence Self-Promoter Communicative Verbal Affable Charming Friendly Positive Promoter Optimistic Persuasive Influential Participative Outgoing, persuasive and gregarious. Usually optimistic and can generally see some good in any situation. Principally interested in people, their problems and their activities. May lose sight of business goals in this respect. People tend to respond to this person naturally.
The HI-I Manager Persuasive Poised Optimistic Probable Strengths Good at motivating others Self-confident Enthusiastic Easy to meet Friendly and open Probable Strengths
Adjective List High I Low I Note: * indicates consistent characteristics High I * Friendly * Positive * Influential * Persuasive * Verbal * Communicative Charming Charismatic Generous Affable Sympathetic Gregarious Self-promoting Effusive Promoter Participative Confident Optimistic Poised Trusting Low I Withdrawn * Reflective * Serious * Reserved * Self-conscious Factual * Probing Non-communicative Aloof Pessimistic * Suspicious Retiring Irritable Logical Non-trusting Quiet
I = Influence Focus: People Key Words Active Favourable Antagonistic Passive I = Influence Focus: People Key Words (hi): Influential, Friendly, Persuasive, Verbal, Communicative, Positive (lo): Self-conscious, Serious, Reflective, Reserved, Probing, Suspicious Communicating Style: Sell Managerial Style: Promoter Motivators: Recognition and Social Inclusion Avoidance Factors: Rejection Question: Who? Engages: Personality
High Influence Values to the Organisation Good presence Exhibit poise Persuasive and influential Relates well to people Makes favourable impressions Generates enthusiasm Likes contacting people Motivates people to act Potentially good presenters Verbalises articulately Radiates enthusiasm Positive and inspiring
High Influence Potential Limitations More focused on popularity than tangible results Oversells Acts impulsively - heart over mind May be inconsistent in conclusions Makes decisions based on surface analysis Unrealistic in appraising people Inattentive to detail Trusts people indiscriminately Lacks time discipline Appears superficial Struggles with tough people decisions May lack clear commercial focus
S = Steadiness Accommodating Non-Demonstrative Good Listener Amiable Easy-going Kind Persistent Patient Deliberate Industrious Dependable Self-Controlled Sensitive and seeks appreciation. This person can be hurt by others quiet easily. Basically humble, loyal and non-aggressive. An organised, consistent and reliable performer who is generally systematic and logical in approach. Prefers to plan and think things through and to understand the benefits of any change.
The HI-S Manager Reliability Patience Is a good listener Dependability Well-organised Finishes what is started Systematic and logical Friendly Predict quality of output Probable Strengths
Adjective List High S Low S Note: * indicates consistent characteristics High S * Deliberate * Kind * Dependable * Good listener Industrious * Amiable Predictable Lenient * Persistent Steady Passive Soft-tempered Accommodating Serene Easy-going Patient Non-demonstrative Self-controlled Relaxed Low S * Alert Energetic * Demonstrative * Eager Adaptable * Active Impatient * Restless Fault-finding * Mobile Fidgety Anxious Flexible Discontented Dynamic Impetuous Impulsive Opportunist Restive Self-critical Tense
S = Steadiness Focus: Peace Key Words Active Favourable Antagonistic Passive S = Steadiness Focus: Peace Key Words (hi): Dependable, Deliberate, Amiable, Good Listener, Kind, Persistent (lo): Mobile, Alert, Active, Eager, Demonstrative, Restless Communicating Style: Listen Managerial Style: Procedural Motivators: Security Avoidance Factors: Insecurity / Change Question: Why? Engages: Experience
High Steadiness Values to the Organisation Systematic and logical Organised Brings order out of chaos Strong powers of concentration Reliable and loyal Patient and deliberate Develops special skills Good listeners Stabilisers excited people Reflects composure
High Steadiness Potential Limitations Strives to maintain the status quo Overly deliberate & systematic Does not look for short cuts Takes a long time to adjust to change Has trouble meeting tight deadlines May lack initiative and imagination Stubborn and intractable Frustrates others where quick decisions are required Inclined to hold grudges Waits for orders before acting
C = Compliance Perfectionist Careful Worrier Logical Conventional Systematic Rational Precise Disciplined Accurate Compliant Cautious Usually amiable, easy going and relaxed. Undemonstrative and controlled. Not being explosive and easily triggered, he/she may conceal grievances and be a grudge-holder. Appears contented and relaxed. Patience and deliberateness characterise usual behaviour.
The HI-C Manager Precise Attentive to detail Well prepared Can anticipate problems Follows through Plans thoroughly Deals in facts Checks and double checks Probable Strengths
Adjective List High C Low C Note: * indicates consistent characteristics High C * Careful * Perfectionist * Compliant * Logical * Systematic * Accurate Predictable Adaptable * Precise Self-effacing Diplomatic Rational Cautious Overly-dependent Conservative Disciplined Conventional Open-minded Evasive Super-sensitive Worrier Low C * Independent Obstinate * Persistent * Strong-willed Careless * Firm Sarcastic Immovable Fearless Unconventional Self-righteous Rebellious Opinionated Rigid * Stubborn Defiant Tactless
C = Compliance Focus: Policy Key Words Active Favourable Antagonistic Passive C = Compliance Focus: Policy Key Words (hi): Careful, Compliant, Precise, Logical, Perfectionist, Systematic, Accurate (lo): Firm, Persistent, Stubborn, Independent, Strong-willed Communicating Style: Write Managerial Style: Rule enforcement Motivators: Job Specification and Rules Avoidance Factors: Conflict Question: How? Engages: Know-how
High Compliance Values to the Organisation Strong desire for accuracy Adheres to rules and procedures Avoids problems and hassle Concentrates on detail Controls quality Analyses & uses information well Brings reality to situations & ideas Good controller of information Relates to performance standards Diplomatic with people Operates well in controlled circumstances
High Compliance Potential Limitations Overly detailed at times Overly anxious about criticism Critical of others Cautious and non-trusting Slow in making decisions Hesitates to act without precedent Bound by rules and procedures Not good at delegating Defensive when threatened Wants full explanations before changes are made Frustrates those needing quick decisions
Profile Factors Quick Reference Dominance Motivator: Power/Control Avoidance Factors: Failure Management Style: Autocratic Value: Directing for tangible results Communication: Tell Focus: Power
Profile Factors Quick Reference Influence Motivator: Recognition Avoidance Factors: Rejection Management Style: Promoter Value: Leading by working with and through people Communication: Sell Focus: People
Profile Factors Quick Reference Steadiness Motivator: Security Avoidance Factors: Insecurity/Change Management Style: Procedural Value: Administration, Services, Support, Specialising Communication: Listen Focus: Pace
Profile Factors Quick Reference Compliance Motivator: Standard Operating Procedures Avoidance Factors: Conflict/Trouble Management Style: Rule enforcement Value: Technical, Quality Communication: Writing Focus: Policy
Recognising and Managing DISC Characteristics in the Workplace