Development of an Urban Area The Randstad Conurbation
Randstad and Greenhart
A conurbation in the Netherlands. The Randstad (Dutch: rim city, i.e. a city at the edge of a circle, with empty space in the centre) is a conurbation in the Netherlands. It consists of the four largest Dutch cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht), and the surrounding areas. With its 7.5 million inhabitants (almost half of the population of the Netherlands; when other conurbations connected to this area are also taken into consideration, it would have a population a little over 10 million, almost 2/3 of the entire Dutch population) it is one of the largest conurbations in Europe.
The Randstad The Randstad contains 40% of the Dutch population living on only 17% of the country's land area
Characteristics One of the most urbanised areas of Europe Radius of aprx. 50 km Horseshoe shaped with open end in less populated east A Polycentric city - Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Utrecht/The Hague No single city is dominant Each has its own distinctive function – The Hague – Political/Rotterdam – Port/Amsterdam – Tourism/Retail/ Utrecht - Transport
Characteristics The centre is an important recreational and agricultural region – Greenhart Rapid growth since WW2 Strategically located in the core of Europe on traditional trading route Excellent infrastructure particularly transport – Rivers/canals/Road/Rail/Port Competition for land is fierce and putting severe pressure on the Greenhart
Planning Many difficulties for planners: Urban Sprawl – How to limit it? - Buffer Zones 5 Regional centres identified to take pressure off the conurbation eg Eindhoven/Groningen Reclaimed land and cities such as Elmoord and Lelystadt on these polders Hope that these regional centres will become a stronger attraction for people and encourage decentralisation of economic development
Green Belts Will act as Buffer Zones to restrict urban sprawl. No new urban development will be allowed. Protect the existing natural environment and rural countryside.
Unchecked Growth – Potential Problem? If the conurbation is allowed to sprawl it could effectively join up with two other expanding urban areas Rhine-Rhur in Germany Brussels/Antwerp/Ghent in Belgium Result could be a West European Megalopolis A potential environmental disaster if this happened
Potential to Sprawl into Belgium Antwerp-Brussels-Ghent
Potential Expansion into Rhine-Rhur Region of Germany