THE BEGINNING READING STAPLE FOR 150 YEARS WILLIAM HOMES MCGUFFEY wrote first textbooks with challenging books for each grade level called the “McGuffey Readers” Emphasized religious and patriotic values Used phonics to sound out words, studied vocabulary words from text, proper enunciation as they read aloud.
SCOTT FORESMAN ? Move for answer!!!! Introduced in 1930 and used through the 1960’s First grade textbooks were stories about two children named Dick and Jane, little sister Sally, their two pets Puff and Spot and their parents. Relied on the repetition of words through contrived sentences. Students were expected to memorize words instead of using phonics to decode the words. This was known as “look and say” method. Move for answer!!!! ?
CONTRIVED SENTENCES See Jane. See Sally. See Jane and Sally.
CONS OF SCOTT FORESMAN Criticized for lack of phonics instruction. Stories were centered around an “ideal” middle-class white family.
READERS USED TODAY More authentic literature selections Celebrate diverse cultures Organized presentation of skills and strategies, especially phonics in primary grades.
THEROY BASED……. Teachers provide explicit instruction and students are passive rather than active learners. This is BEAHAVORIST based. ?
5 COMPONENTS Selections in grade-level textbooks. Instruction about decoding and comprehension strategies and skills. Workbook Assignments Independent Reading Opportunities Management plan that includes flexible grouping and regular assessment.
GRADE LEVEL SELECTIONS Organized into units on topics such as challenges, folktales, and friends. 4 to 6 weeklong lessons. K-1 books contain decodable text so that children can apply the phonics skills they’re learning. As they develop stronger word-identification and a bank of familiar words, textbooks transition to literature selections that were originally published as trade books.
STRATEGIES AND SKILLS Explicit and systematic instruction Most textbooks include, phonemic awareness, phonics, high-frequency words, word-identification, spelling, grammar, word mechanics. Comprehension strategies, evaluating, monitoring, predicting, questioning, summarizing, visualizing. Teacher’s guide provides detailed lesson plans.
WORKBOOKS Students completer workbook pages before, during and after reading each selection. 10-12 workbook pages. Teachers can vary how they use the workbook pages. Once students know how to use workbook they may work independently.
INDEPENDENT READING Most reading programs include a collection of easy, on-grade-level, and challenging paperback books for students to read independently. Help reinforce phonics skills and vocabulary words. Some are trade books. Goal is to meet the needs of all students. May supplement with easier books
THE READING PROCESS When teachers use the Basal Readers in their classroom they are using the reading process . Prereading Reading Responding Exploring Applying
WEAKNESSES LET’S COMPARE!!! STRENGTHS Textbooks are aligned with grade-level standards. Teachers teach strategies and skills in a sequential program. Students practice through reading and workbook assignments. Assessment materials included. Teachers guide provides detailed instructions for teaching reading. Reading selections may be too difficult for some and too easy for others. May lack the authenticity of good literature or not a variety of genres. Many workbook assignments Instruction is presented to the whole class. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES
BASAL READING MATERIALS Textbook or Anthology Big Boooks Supplemental Books Workbooks Transparencies Black-line Masters Kits Teacher’s Guide Parent Materials Assessment Materials Multimedia
EXPERTS SAY….. Kate Walsh reviewed 5 widely used Basal Readers. They all provided visually stimulating artwork to engage students. Similar methods of teaching decoding and comprehension. Teachers guides with detailed lesson plans. One common problem: None of the programs provided for the sustained development of students’ background knowledge.
SOURCES Thompkins, G. E. (2010). Literacy for the 21st century: a balanced approach. (5th Ed.) Boston: Allyn & Bacon. www.rarebookschoo.org/2005/exhibition s/dickandjane.shtml Macmillan/McGraw-Hill teacher workbook, Treasure Chest Apple, G. The shopping list