Please can you… List at least 5 things that are yellow If you have time keep going…can you get to 20?
Mel Walton – Mary Rose Academy Lesson Planning Mel Walton – Mary Rose Academy
At my school….
Outcomes Know how easy it is to plan and structure a good lesson Understand the importance of differentiation…tbc… Develop ideas to check learning…tbc…
4. Plan and teach well structured lessons impart knowledge and develop understanding through effective use of lesson time promote a love of learning and children’s intellectual curiosity reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching contribute to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum within the relevant subject area(s).
Begin with the end in mind
Before we even begin to plan what do we need to know and consider? Silent solo brain puke/mind shower LTP, MTP, Curriculum, Syllabus Success criteria Pupils Room, space, equipment Time Other adults
Experience and prior learning Know your kids Pupils Age Experience and prior learning Numbers Data Ability ranges Motivators
Starting to plan a lesson… What do you want them to learn – intentions and outcomes? How do you want them to learn it? Where will you organise the tasks, people and equipment? How long will you give them on each task? What adaptation/differentiation is needed? How will you progress/sequence the tasks? What help will your learners need? Teaching/coaching points; problems to solve; information; questions; resources What safety factors do you need to consider? What equipment and space will you need? What else do you need to know/do before the session?
Intentions When setting intentions, it is important that there is a clear distinction between what students will do in the lesson and what they will learn. It is all about the learning…what is the overall gist of the lesson Beginning a learning objective with the words “To be able to…To know…To develop…To…”
Outcome what does the intention now look like for….
learning intention ‘To know about the structure of the Earth’ Differentiated learning outcomes: - D-E…All….You must draw and label a diagram to show the structure of the earth, name the layers and sequence them into the correct order C-B… Most… You should add to your diagram at least one of the characteristics of each of the layers so you can describe what it is like A-A*…Some…You could choose 2 layers and compare and contrast their characteristics using key words and connectives
Today’s question What was life like in a Victorian prison? L4 - Be able to describe what a Victorian prison was like L5 - Be able to use a range of evidence to describe what Victorian prisons were like L6 - Evaluate whether the Victorian prisons were too harsh using a range of evidence to support their story
Success then challenge Do Now Success then challenge A short warm up activity that students can complete successfully.
Hook/Starter An introduction to the lesson that leaves them wanting more…. Turn this game into a subject specific hook Create a hook from either of these pictures
Progressive learning activities Things to consider? By the end of the lesson…. Do I need to revisit last lesson? What do they already know? Start simple finish clever – success first What will I do/use to explain the topic? How can I engage students in the topic? What are some relevant real-life examples, analogies, or situations that can help students understand the topic? What will students need to do to help them understand the topic better and deepen their learning? Timings and organisation – slick and pacey
Leave them wanting more… Stunning start Fabulous finish Vegas It is the sparkle in your lesson, but not sparkle for sparkle’s sake. It needs to link to the learning outcomes
Learning intention
Success then challenge
Know your kids
Why do we need to differentiate…at 6.15am?!
5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils know when and how to differentiate appropriately, …… Know….a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, …….. ….know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, ……
Jess MEG - A Natalia MEG – C EAL Shannon MEG - E
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
Learning intention: To play a forehand drive Learning Outcomes: A/B -I can play a forehand drive within a rally C/D - I can play a forehand drive that is hand fed to me E/F - I can hit a forehand drive from a drop bounce Learning activity Differentiation In pairs play a forehand drive over the net Use a T, drop bounce, hand feed over net, racket feed over net, play a rally, perform a winning shot.
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
Learning intention: Learning Outcomes: - - - Learning activity Differentiation
How will I check they are learning throughout the lesson? Silent solo – 3 ways to check learning What questions will I ask students to check for understanding? How will I ask them? What will I have students do to demonstrate that they are following? Going back to my list of learning objectives, what activity can I have students do to check whether each of those has been accomplished? Use high quality marking and feedback
And at the end of all that….
Outcomes Know how easy it is to plan and structure a good lesson Understand the importance of differentiation…tbc… Develop ideas to check learning…tbc…