What is a community? With the person next to you, agree and write down a definition. Project: Community People. School: Anglo European School, Essex. Date: September 2016
Unit: Community People Lesson Learning objective: To learn about the different groups that make up communities that we belong to or are around us. L4: To identify and be able to explain the concept of community. L5: To identify a range of communities and explain who might belong to that community. L6: To analyse the similarities and differences between different types of communities.
Community People Learning objective: To learn about the different groups that make up communities that we belong to or are around us. Key concept: Community: A group of people living or existing together sharing common values, interests and/or ways of doing things. Which communities do you belong to?
Community People Learning objective: To learn about the different groups that make up communities that we belong to or are around us. TASK A: In small groups, discuss and complete the table. Be as detailed as you can with the right column. What types of communities can we belong to? Who is in this community and why? e.g. Religious community WHO: People of different ages and a range of ethnicities who share the same religious beliefs. WHY: They are in this community because they believe the same ideas about God/gods and how to live life. 1. 2. 3.
Community People Learning objective: To learn about the different groups that make up communities that we belong to or are around us. TASK B: (IN PAIRS) Select the community from Task A with the most diverse population and complete the following questions about it: What is the community that you have identified? What are the benefits of this community being diverse? What are the drawbacks of this community being diverse? EXT: Explain the similarities and differences within your chosen community.
Community People Learning objective: To learn about the different groups that make up communities that we belong to or are around us. To finish: What would it feel like not to feel part of a community?
Unit: Community People Lesson Learning objective: To learn about the different groups that make up communities that we belong to or are around us. Look at the learning objectives and consider what you have achieved: L4: To identify and be able to explain the concept of community. L5: To identify a range of communities and explain who might belong to that community. L6: To analyse the similarities and differences between different types of communities.